Going back a bit further to April 10, 2013, we saw Bitcoin hit a new high of $266 before falling to $105 and then bouncing back to $130. This was in the aftermath of the Cyprus debacle.

Looking at the quotidian charts for that day turned up no appropriate planetary symbolism. That is, until I checked out the converse natal quotidian:

The inner wheel is the Bitcoin natal chart, converse progressed to April 10, 2013, 12 pm UT. The middle wheel is the Bitcoin natal chart. The outer wheel is the converse transit chart for April 10, 2013, 12 pm UT. Again, all charts have been relocated to Mt. Gox headquarters in Tokyo, Japan.
As can be seen from the chart, converse transiting Uranus came into partile conjunction with converse progressed natal BTC Descendant. If there is one word that can best describe the Uranian essence, it is "upheaval". The angles (Ascendant, Midheaven, Descendant and Imum Coeli) are understood to be extensions of the identity of the subject. Having transiting Uranus cross a quotidian angle at the same time BTC experienced one of its most volatile periods is, to me, a remarkable concurrence.
Also telling is converse transiting Jupiter (in partile conjunction with converse transiting Mercury and converse transiting Mars) partile square to natal BTC Pluto, but already moving away from exact. Reinhold Ebertin had this to say about Jupiter/Pluto contacts:
Leading or participating in uprisings, attainment of leadership.
Mercury in the mix suggested the configuration had something to do with commerce, finance or currency. Mars in combination with Jupiter is the "money-to-burn impulse", which hints at massive profit-taking being a reason for the sharp decline in price after reaching a peak. Mars/Pluto points to:
Attainment of success through excessive effort.
Also, converse transiting Pluto was moving into an exact square with natal BTC Uranus. As per Ebertin, Uranus/Pluto denotes:
The process of transformation. Collapse of the old order, construction of the new. Revolution.
As it played out, the price of BTC surged as people turned to the fledging cryptocurrency in hopes of preserving their wealth amid the very real threat of bail-ins. Although the price fell drastically from its peak at the time, it nevertheless burned into the public consciousness that here was a viable alternative to the status quo that was, slowly but surely, bleeding people dry of their savings.
A brief word about converse charts. Converse transits can be justified in principle on the idea advanced by quantum physics that time flows equally in more than one direction. A number of respected astrologers, including Alexander Marr and Roy Firebrace, have done extensive work with converse charts and have shown this approach to be just as effective as the regular methods. But why resort to converse transits when the traditional ones work just as well? In my experience, there are cases where appropriate planetary symbolism for events only turn up when converse techniques are used. So, to play it safe, when running charts for clients, I make it a practice to look both ways so as not to miss anything.