Currently on
Price per BTB 0.4500000 BTB/BTC
Amount BTB 50.00000 BTB
Total 22.5 BTC
So in essence, you would make $825 off of your coveted transaction.
He'll have to wait a long time to execute at that price, there's not even 1 full bitbar for sale at $0.45 atm. If he buy into the ask, he would take bitbar price to 1 BTC+ with 50 BTC
2013-05-16 04:23:49 Buy 0.449900 8.338723 3.7516
The keyword being "atm", so there's 3.75 BTC executed below 0.45, still a long way from getting 50 BTC executed at that price.
sigh do you people know nothing about how an exchange works??? there is only 1.29 bitbars being bough at .45 tell me how please tell me how to sell 50 at .45 when there is only a buy order for 1.29 bitbars maybe I dont understand how an exchange works so even though there is only 1.29 btb buy order at .45 I could still sell 50 at that price?