Currently need essays/rewritten articles on following topics:
1) sexual life (not porn, closer to essays from cosmopolitan/men's health)
2) Tire reviews (will provide source articles - need rewrite)
3) (Russian) Cтaтьи пpo тюнинг aвтoмoбилeй, peмoнт и т.п. жeлeзныe вoпpocы. Для
4) Articles on accounting and payroll topic
5) Gifts and gift giving - for
http://gifti.us6) Car maintenance, repairs
7) Travel in Europe, anything about different places in Europe
Any website tutorials, how-tos, etc.
9) Halloween
more sites to come.
- 1000 words - 5 BTC.
- i am looking for 300-400 words size for articles
- i should not be able to find your article through Google.
- before starting to work - please submit sample to my email -
[email protected]- if someone going to regularly supply new articles for my websites, I will be glad to provide editorial access to post articles with associated images for additional 5 BTC per 1000 words.
my address :1FpnpqazihcQjgkhS9HnnaWMT7cm5r3izt
Eastern Europe
have just realised I haven't written many entries in english yet, so here I go!
Today I want to write about the trip I have made this year's summer. I had 6 weeks off uni which I used to travel around eastern Europe.
I was curious about this area, because we actually do not know much about these countries here "in the West".
After a good week with my former flatmates in their home countries Hungary and Poland, we separated and I continued travelling on my own through Romania, Bulgaria, Istanbul, Greece by train and then but ferry to Italy, which is already pretty close to my homecountry Germany.
Before my trip I had had very strange and different reactions from family and friends. I was really surprised that so many people were pulling a face when I mentioned I was going to eastern Europe. They said it was going to be ugly, corrupt, poor and just dangerous! Even during my trip I was warned by so many people to go to this or that country.
I was shocked, realizing that there are still so many bad prejudices against these countries and especially its people.
Even though I found some of them confirmed (in a way), I had one of the most interesting trips in my whole life! I had never expected that places in Europe, just around the corner from my home are so shockingly different from what I am used to, but at the same time startingly beautiful.
Even though I experienced a lot of poverty, run down places and weary people, the countries were absolutely fascinating me: Beautiful untouched nature (not overcrowded with towns and cities), with people living the REAL simple country life, beautiful towns totally different from ours (really original, not as "pimped" as in German cities, no high-rise CBD's and americanized food culture [my apologies to all the Americans reading this... but you get my point?]) and the most important thing: amazing people so generous and open-minded, I doubt it would be easy to bump into in my country! I could learn so much from them about history and their somewhat troubled state of the country, about their language and culture and their opinions on every kind of subjects.
So, now that I am back home, I am really frustrated by people giving me strange looks when I tell them I was in countries like Romania (which was actually one of my favourites).
"...seriously? And you did not get robbed??"
No I did not... I am ashamed the majority of our society has this kind of image in their head: Poor run-down countries with nobody but thugs and thieves in it...
So I was wondering: Has anyone been around "these countries"? How did you find it, what did you like/dislike? Or do you bear some strange feelings against that area?
I hope you will satisfied with it.haha!!!!