
Topic: (WTB) S5 multiple units! need 4! - page 3. (Read 2110 times)

sr. member
Activity: 353
Merit: 251
September 13, 2015, 12:57:36 PM
I am looking to add a bunch of s5's to my farm.
Since the s7 will be comming soon "and this is a game changer" now is the chance to get a decent buck for your s5.
I will make an offer based the number of miners you have to offer and the location.
As the time comes closer to release of s7 and diff keeps growing, my offers will also ajust.

I am not even sure if I should even start buying now or wait till the s7's will start the race to the moon with the diff.

Psu's are not needed but can be included in deal if you want to get rid of them.

BTC with escrow
or local pickup cash or btc

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