Ingots are 29.4mm x 50.4mm x 2.38mm(rim) with low spots around 2.08. While hard to get accurate results, ultrasound came back in the 2mm range for silver. Weight is perfect
Rounds are standard 39.3mm wide and 2.8mm thick on the rims. Again, weight is perfect.
Overall, I got a good deal. thanks xjack!
Thanks for the purchase and the follow up post! Your diagnostics are much appreciated.
As promised - EDXRF Reports.
Disclaimer - This is not an independent report. These reports were run by me, on the listed equipment which is accessible to me. A few points:
1. These are scanned laser printouts - I do not have access to I/O or internet on this machine, I can only print. These look like they were drawn up on notepad - close. These are direct output from the software to an editor.
The only information removed or changed from the report is a header showing the company this machine belongs to, and a directory name which may give away the same information.
2. This particular machine is used heavily in a shop environment. There are always shavings and metal dust in the machine.
3. The machine has two layers of mylar to shield from debris - silver is tested through plastic, and even more plastic on the ingots. It absolutely affects the ability of the machine to read 100.00%.
4. COV - Coefficient of Variance - the most important number on the report.
tl:dr The machine gets worked hard and there's crud in it. The results aren't perfect because of machine accuracy and the plastic in between the silver and the X-Ray. I can edit the report before printing - I did not, else you would be reading these as .9995 fine. The tests are consistent and repeatable, +/-1%, with a low coefficient of variance for the intended test metal - Silver.
In light of two confirmed tests and one successful transaction, I rescind my offer to go first. Known escrow recommended - buyer pays fee. Repriced to align market and exchange rates. Insured shipping still included.
Rounds .220BTC
Ingots .215BTC