i have in this rig mobos ud3,ud5,ud7 You cant put 4 cards into ud3, and ud5 without extenders , only ud7 is capable of doing it and its alone 250 usd, , 2 x psu will work only in open system which You want to force as best idea , to put it in the case You need 1x1500 w which is around 350-400 usd alone.
about time, ok You do it as You say in one hour + 2 months for MAYBE buying from 12 sellers 16 cards and prey all of them are good( You wont win all auctions , do You ?) , i did my rig in one week , now count how many bitcoins You will have in that time ?
i see we cant convince each other, anyone who has any 5ghash+ rig knows how much time they spend for buying , mounting , setting up etc ... You are genius who does that in one hour:) good luck
sorry to bust your arrogant bubble but you don't know anything do you? I want to FORCE an open air system as the best idea? ...did you not look at the picture of the junk you're selling... mounting the stuff on a case that has no panels doesn't make your setup a closed system, your rig setup thing is an open system too smart guy. And who cares if the thing that holds the MB and Video cards is made of wood or paper so long as it works, is cheap and does its job. What you have doesn't offer any additional protection and actually chokes the system upgradeability by forcing a max of 2 cards per OPEN case without the potential to add more extenders or not unless you zip tie the cards to the sides... then again with those crappy power supplies you have you can't even do that.
You prove you are a fool every time you type something don't you, Death and Taxes has 24 of the 5970's on a super rack mount setup and if he says that a 1250 PSU will do the job and one costs $199 Plus 80 Gold on NE, your constant crap about needing a 1500 psu which costs 2 times the money is just your sad and very pathetic attempt to try to change the measure of what we are talking about.
Also if it takes you 2 months to get the video cards from ebay it just really means you are incompetent, a motivated buyer will work a monetary balance and for every card you under pay you have that difference to add to your bid price on any future card so even if you overpay on a few the average price would still be where you budgeted. And about praying that the cards are good, it would be the same for anyone that bought your setup since it's used and no one knows how well you treated the machines how hard you pushed the video cards etc and saying you treated them well doesn't mean squat since it's just wind.... so your lame excuse is null and void.
At today's difficulty your setup would make about 55.78 coins a week or 271.07 US bucks, so even if it took a month the time saved doesn't equal the price heavily over paid on your stuff. And that is not accounting for all the extra electricity you will be paying for every month to run the extra 9 computers you don't need to.
By the way you are right we can't convince each other, you can only have and intelligent argument with people who don't already think they are right no matter how many times they are proven wrong, since in their mind all other argument is wrong by default. And anyone with some experience can put a computer together in that time it just takes the desire, not a hubris filled whiner who can't say that he is wrong even when basically every post on this threat tells him that he is.
Good luck to you selling your system with no parts list, power draw, settings or anything other than a price and a hashing rate. I don't think anyone is going to drop that kind of money without knowing what they're buying, but common wisdom is that you have a potential customer born every minute; good luck finding one of them.
No one will buy his setup for what is being asked if they have 2 neurons rubbing on each other inside their heads, since even a fool thinks twice before being parted from his money :p