I pmed you if the price is right I may take whole unit depends on price let me know . ill make a offer as well once i see it. I'm not worry about the red by your name most of the time that's bs, i looked at your trust it looks good other then your account got hacked, i assume by your commit back. and you do live in the US ,i hate using Escrow and try not to if you live in the US. our laws are good on fraud.
Wow. Did Your account get hacked, because that is some of the .. ahem... not-the-smartest things a senior level member could say on this forum.
Since you're dealing with Bitcoin, you have ZERO recourse in the US even. It's digital currency, it's untraceable (Thus even the PO will not investigate a fraud claim) and unless you visit the person who scams you in person (which is considered stalking and YOU can be arrested for that), you really have zero recourse.
Small claim courts will cost you time and $$ and most of the time never collect out of state. Just FYI.
no i mean it !!! .. If I pay in cash it's different for goods
. and actually there is no place on earth i know of that will do anything if i buy in bitcoins to any extent unless it involves millions and i won't say i won't get hacked because then I will but im not stupid i don't do dumb shit on the web that might cause me to get hacked . this might seem stupid to you but it's not. I am well a ware of how small claims court counts work, im still trying to decide if I want the four boards i can buy four a2 boards some place else etc i want these more and me and him are talking in PM i won't post here unless he kdfs;lkjn me if i do buy them .he wants bitcoins but i may still pay in cash as computer goods then im better off etc etc
I know the laws well being held up at a atm once and some others i know got robed once but they had charges bought against them for shooting the robber they were told they would have been better off killing him : i know that is considered stalking and YOU can be arrested , and the court system in my state is a big joke but i may still pay cash with protection that does work i have got it all back in the past etc that way it was a pain in the ass but i got it all back and no matter what i say or do there is always that 5 % fail rate nothing but one thing, is a 100 %, we won't get in that here.
I was not hacked .yet i hope i never am but it can happen no matter what i do,
and i hate Escrow that much if i can pay in cash and protect it i will in most cases. Escrow would be a last resort thing for me unless i buy out of the US.
why im even telling you this no idea but thanks for the tips but im well a ware of all you said
i do appreciate that you care).
but the one thing stopping me from buying now is no Pictures , i may ask again for Pictures and if he did flash them to a pi i need proof as well because i will re flash them to bfg ,
I think i tried to buy a few boards off you once but you decided not to sell them to anyone you told me I believe:).