I already have a Blade (2nd revision) and his phrasing is poorly chosen. OP doesn't mention the version, but if it is the same as mine, there are two clocks on board, low and high, and (on this version) you do not need to adjust voltage manually. High is hashing at exactly 13.132 GH/s sec currently for me:
Total MHS: 13132
Received: 0000220576
Accepted: 0000220861
Per Minute: 179.46
Efficiency: 100.12%
Up Time: 0d,20h,30m,39s
Low is ok with standard fans in a horizontal or vertical setup, and without other means of cooling (i.e. under the board, where the ASICs are located).
High is ok in a temp controlled room in vertical setup with hi-RPM fans on the heatsink, or in horizontal setup with additional fans (what I chose). It is not strictly overclocking because Friedcat certified that they were stable on high clock *with proper cooling* (he insisted on that fact). In other words, not overclocking but requires more fans, not provided.