All prices if buyer pay escrow fees/tip.
1x 0.2 BTC Sr Member Account, Activity/Posts 260+
15x 0.06 BTC Full Member Accounts, Activity/Posts 120-160, average 130
60x 0.05 BTC Member Accounts, Activity/Posts 107-119, average 112. Basicaly all these Member Accounts can be turned to Full Member Accounts very easy because no post in last two weeks.
I can sign message with old BTC address from all accounts.
No feedbacks, Trust: 0: -0 / +0(0)
I preffer to sell all accounts to one buyer if possible.
Make offer or ask for more info if you are interested (here or PM).
WHAT THE HELL? Do you have 76 accounts?
Can you show proof of onwership eventually?
Read the OP first.. He has already said he can sign message from all accounts.
No feedbacks, Trust: 0: -0 / +0(0)
I preffer to sell all accounts to one buyer if possible.
Make offer or ask for more info if you are interested (here or PM).