ONLY 0.02084606 BTC NOW ALONG WITH 1 YEAR OF FREE HOSTING SERVICE! was created by me in 2011. Totally unique graphics design. I've been very busy in my personal life and got no time to maintain it. It was earning $100-$200 revenue monthly one year back but now it earns nothing like that. Activity of admin can restore its previous glory. The current xmas logo of the website is the proof that I've got absolutely no time for it. I've upgraded it to latest Aurora SDR script with a lot of additional security features. Some of the addons are listed below:
-Admin access for IP's listed only (in cPanel)
-Custom designed earnings page/account page
-Task summary addon
-Different earning walls such as WinterLeads/LikeFlow/MinuteStaff/Virool/PTCWall
-Integrated Forums (needs bug fixing though)
-Solvemedia CAPTCHA between ads
-Membership-targeted ads
-Two differently viewable store pages
Currently it has a database of 12000+ unique members with totally unique & awesome web-design. Many seasonal logos/banners are included as well with the design (which you can change time-to-time, like one for halloween & one for christmas). It had an Alexa rank of less than 200k once but now that's changed to 5000k within a year.
Once bought, you can make it active by any way you want. Making advertising offers at emoneyspace/bitcointalk can also help you earn more revenue. Putting stuff like AdHitz ads can earn more for you as well.
You'll get these accounts for free as well (currently associated with the website):
-LikeFlow account having $4.85
-PTCWall account having $1.20
-Virool account having $37.94
-WinterLeads account having $6.95
-MinuteStaff account having $1.45
PRICE ONLY 0.02084606 BTC NOW!