You sure?
24 hours----0.31474512 LTC---1.20 USD
7 days------2.20321582 LTC---8.41 USD
30 days-----9.44235352 LTC---36.02 USD
When putting in 10 Mh/s.
Not counting in the share duplication in 8 day's which will be 2 weeks of LTCGear payments without duplication and the day after the 2 weeks normal comes the duplication.
You'll ROI in a month. Not even counting in you could still sell the shares after ROI for extra "profit".
My 28,5MH/s:
24 hours----0.89702358 LTC----3.42 USD
7 days-------6.27916509 LTC---23.96 USD
30 days-----26.91070752 LTC--102.66 USD
Already ROI'd 13,5MH/s of that. Let those help ROI my other 15MH/s and let's forget about the duplication:
Spend 19.2 LTC, would get that back in 3 weeks and 1 or 2 days. NOT counting the duplication, which would bring it further down to like 2 weeks and 5 days.
Remember, this is not counting in the rise of diff.
But the last 2 or so weeks it didn't rise a monster amount.
If you count the profit from your already ROI 13.5Mh/s into the math, then my math's surely wrong.
You should take the number from ltcgear website to calculate your ROI.
e.g. 0.01935993 LTC / 7 days / 1 ASIC Share = 100kh/s
So your 15mh/s should earn 0.01935993 * 150 = 2.9039895 LTC in 7 days
Ok so how long does it take to get ROI with your investment for 15mh/s ?