Something sketchy is going on.
Just an FYI, I got a vouch copy and I made it clear that this is something that could not scale. If 10+ people are using this method you'll be stepping on each other's toes and it just won't work at all.
There is something going on here!! Follow me here:
This thread was posted on the 19th of June by the KingofSwing
On the 19th of June, 20 or so minutes after the post was made, abhi777, another Jr. member, commented looking for a copy: Ref
On June 8th, abhi777 posted the same program for sale:
Knowing the process take about 24 hours for confirmation, on June 19th, the same day KingofSwing made this posting, abhi777 confirmed the process was legit (comment)
Less than 2 hours from the original post, abhi777 made post that he cashed out already:
So let me get this straight. KingofSwing is selling the same process that abhi777 was selling 11 days earlier. abhi777, who was selling the process, bought the process from KingofSwing. With in 2 hours of abhi777 making the purchase, abhi777 was able to complete the process and transfer the funds out. Now at the same time all of this is going on, it has been confirmed that it take up to 24 hours to get your earned funds confirmed and 24 hours after that to get paid, in which the program only pays out on Mondays. June 19th was a Sunday.
I came to this post for I did not mind making a little bit extra here and there, and after I searched through this I found all of this out. I have to call out scam. There is no way that any of this happened. KingofSwing knows what is going on and abhi777 was just supporting a fraud, in my opinion. So I am posting (-) feedback for both parties here. I will remove this when the following has been confirmed and provided:
Provide proof of payment that abhi777 made you payment for the process between the time of post
Signed message from the address abhi777 sent payment to
Send copy of your process for sale to my PM (If legit, I will pay the asking .005, no problem) If it matches abhi777, you will get nothing because if he never bought this from you and you allowed him to post reviews for you on your thread without calling him out, you are part of the scam.
Provide proof of the payment sent to KingofSwing
Provide signed message from the address you sent KingofSwing payment
Provide proof of funds received along with signed message from the address you sent payment to.
Send copy of your process for sale to my PM (If legit, I will pay the asking .005, no problem) If it matches KingofSwing, you will get nothing because if he never bought this from you and you allowed him to post reviews for you on your thread without calling him out, you are part of the scam.
My guess is that neither of you will comply because KingofSwing never sold the process to abhi777 and that abhi777 never made a withdraw that day.
All of these should line up with the timing of the posts on this thread. All proof needs to be placed in this thread and I will remove feedback from both parties.