BurtW still does have control of it and he would be paid off first via escrow, whereupon I would get the balance. You could even use BurtW as escrow, whereupon he would pay me off.
Another option to strongly consider would be using jbreher for escrow whereupon he would/may hand-deliver cash (or BTC) to BurtW to assure no LEOs decide to become middlemen.
I would advise strongly considering buying an account associated with scams, racism and theft, whereupon the OP has never paid the debt that kept him out of jail!!!
So let me get this correct, You stole a mans money and an insurance claim back in June of 2014 and over a year later have still not paid the debt.
Then you had a man pay your debt for you where upon you used the very account you scammed the other person out of his money for collateral.
And now years later you have yet to pay the man back.
WOW Bruno you are a tool, and your balls are the size of an elephants!!
Maybe spend less time on the computer unwarrantly attacking good people and figure out how to pay your own debts man.
If I were Burt and watched you on this forum spending 24 hours a day researching me, my life and my business, instead of researching ways to pay me what you owe me, I would be very angry.
You are amazingly scandelous Bruno. Breaking laws cause yo cant be sued cause you have nothing to sue for, heck you cant even pay a man what you owe him for keeping your butt out of jail. You are the true scammer of bitcoin talk, theft, extortion, scams, lying to get ahead, and you wonder why no one will go for any of your projects!!