Since this is a staking coin, the following is relevant:
Any amount can stake if 2 conditions are met. The only impact is the time it will take to stake and if the reward is percentage based, the size of the rewards. Firstly you need to have the coins in your wallet for the minimum stake age which in this case is 4 hours, after which your coins becomes eligible for staking. Secondly your coins have to reach at least 1 coin age day. If you have a fraction of a coin it will take a couple of days before you will get 1 coin age day and only then your coins will become mature. This is why some people sometimes notice that although their coins have passed the minimum stake age they still do not show as matured. If someone has 100000 coins of a certain coin as an example, he will have 1 coin age day very quickly, but someone with 0.5 coins will take 2 days.
Once your coins are in your wallet (actually once broadcast on the network) they begin to generate network weight at that address which is a combination of the number of coins in your wallet and the time they have been in your wallet (coin age). Once this becomes "heavy" enough your coins will generate a stake. In the case of GameBet the staking coins (input block) will stay in limbo in stake mode for 250 blocks. They do gain weight while maturing. Someone with a larger amount of coins will reach that point quicker than someone with a small number of coins. When you get a stake, the wallet adds the coins that stake and the stake reward and the total is split onto 2 equal input blocks that gains weight again separately.
The coins in your wallet are stored in blocks and each block of coins will stake on its own. If you have 2 blocks of lets say 10 coins each, when the time comes they will stake separately. This is where coin control enters - if you go to options and display, you can select to show coin control. If you then click on "send" you have the option to select inputs which will display the input blocks your wallet balance consist of. Here you can manage your input block sizes for the optimal block size to stake. There are generally 2 methods that stake rewards are generated each with its own subsections like HPOS, DPOS etc. - firstly there is fixed size per stake (like GameBet) and secondly percentage based. If a coin gives fixed size rewards, your input blocks can be more smaller ones because when they stake you get the same rewards in anyways and all blocks will eventually stake. If a coin gives percentage based rewards, then you must have very small number of large block sizes, in fact, one block of all your coins will be ideal. To change your block size, you go into coin control and select all your little blocks and select OK. Then copy the total coin amount less fees and paste into the amount field. Paste your wallet receiving address in the to field and send. This receiving address can be an address in your wallet which then means you are sending them to yourself. You will then have a large input block consisting of all the small blocks you selected.
If you want to apply this to GameBet, then do not combine your input blocks unless they become really small. If you do move your coins after the 250 block maturity, you will lose the coin age gained during the 250 block waiting period.
Lastly, I would recommend that a good strategy for GameBet would be to prepare your input blocks for staking and maintain them for staking and from time to time take only the small staked blocks to an exchange. Moving coins to an exchange destroys the coin age and resets any weight you have gained. It effectively combines them to an exchange controlled address. Since you have to combine the very small 2.8 blocks in anyways at some point to a little bit larger input block, and if you do need money, take those to the exchange if you have to, or combine and re-stake them if you have a longer term objective.
This is a great explanation. it should be bumped every day so any newcomers don't miss it. Thanks JC. I now understand staking much more.