There's been some discussions on the profitability of the project. First and fore-most, one needs to understand the project is at the cusp of 2 emerging sectors, both of which are far from their true potential
1. Crypto-currencies
2. E-sports.
The product itself is solely positioning itself for massive market-share in the coming 2-3 years and aiming for growth along with the sectors. This is a common trend amongst any of the big enterprises that have actually made it big. A good example of this is google back in the late 90's. When it launched, it was nothing but a form of indexing the links, with certain advantages. Were there others in the space? Yes. But what differentiated the team was a simple product, the will to last during the bust - and of course consistent delivery of what consumers needed. There is active discussion of the valuation of the project. You need to realize the concept of a pre-money valuation. Its the value of an enterprise, BEFORE it makes any money. Most organizations at scale have it during their early days. Its at the crux of what makes capitalism effective. Does pre-money valuation make sense ? In most cases, no. Its not a valuation on basis of the revenue but rather the risks assumed by the founders, the quality of the product and the possible profits involved. If we were to do a roi revenue analysis, we would be engaging with banks and not the community here. All that aside, that is not what this post is about. Its about a product that is left to be marketed. To date- the product hasn't had a release on twitch or even a PR mention for that matter. The marketing campaign, along with the referral campaign will soon go live T as will the sports betting front. As the focus shifts from fund raising to actually marketing the product, revenue is a given. Granted there are risks like with most projects, the founders have actually slapped a lot more together than a white paper - but a real product. So, lets keep the trolling aside for a bit. In case there are any queries / bug fixes / suggestions to be made on the product itself, feel free to post here. If you'd like to join the team - send in a CV to [email protected] and we'll look into it shortly.
I hope anyone investing already knows its a risk. all investing is risky by definition