Dear xarucoin,
On behalf of the XaruCoin Community, I am reaching out to you with the purpose of requesting an update of the Xaru Weather Project. As an investor/user/follower/supporter of the project, it has been more than 50 days since the last update was announced from your side. Thus, at this point, I have no certain nor prove of the success of the project, nor guarantees that the roadmap, that was presented in early February, is being accomplished.
I humbly request an update from you. Independently of the nature of your update, positive or negative, the Xaru Community will accept your decisions and will help and decide accordingly.
In the event of not receiving any answers from you by May, 1st 2018, the Xaru Community will then apply the right to decide the future of the Xaru Weather Project. Please understand that, at this point, XaruCoin may be delisted from exchanges and stopped from being used on the market. Those who believe in the project and invested their money on it deserve the right to represent the Xaru Community and take ownership of the project when the above request is not satisfied.
Such Xaru Community is already being formed via a new Discord server for Xaru, called Xaru Resurrected. On the above event, where the Community should take over, the mentioned Discord server will be used to have a clean space where discussions about the future of the project would be held.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Thanks and Regards
Discord server of Xaru Resurrected: