Hey, thanks for sticking up for me man. He's a paid community advisor in the foundation, if you look at the last 10 posts he's made, 50% of them are directed negatively towards me, and if you look at the last 10 posts of me in this thread, it's constructive critisism blended with proposed solutions, although somewhat frustrated at times, which I apologize for since I get carried away at times, also gathering people for irc so that the community could have some information and clarity. So I'll let you decide why he's relieved I'm not trying anymore!
Regardless of what he thinks, I have nothing against Litoshi, but the mentality of "us vs them" is not healthy. I'm not here for personal drama.
The one suggestion I have to solve underlying problems, is since Grexx is a military and the best suited to deliver information to the community, he should be the sole leader of XCR and structure the work, and tell people what to do to make it further effective. I think they did something like this now, not sure.
And even if it's none of my business, I think all further paid salaries in BTC should be used to buy XCR, the reward they will receive if a good job is done will be many times that, and us the community will have increased confidence in their currency.
Thanks, and I'll say good luck again too since I don't hold grudges.
I havenothing against you either, but like I said repeatedy, I dont buy from a salesman that hides behind a mask. Look at the first 20 pages of this blog and you will see that I was calling out "Crypti" to identify himself.......... Boris soon did, and gained much credibility with the community.
And even if it's none of my business
As for "paid community advisor"...... my "pay" is 1BTC per month. For which I handle the balance sheet and the funds. As for the other "rich dudes" here, I will let them reveal their meager salaries of they choose, but I will tell you that two of them elected to convert their salary in BTC to XCR for the next year, in advance. Why? Becuz they had great faith in XCR going to a higher value, long term.
Sounds great? Well, it was done when the exchange rate was 1500 sats. Since the exchange rate dropped, the value of that trade is now 1/3 of the original salary.
As for GreXX being the project lead "because he is military"......... That is up to the team to decide.
I also spent considerable time "wearing green", and I can tell you that the military builds leaders and kicks out flunkies. GreXX has over 14 years under his belt, and as such is in a leadership position, which also demands much of his time. The military doesnt like to hear about "other jobs" the troops may have. The military mission is paramount, and has priority over everything else, including family. The military also teaches you to get things done with minimal supervision and on time. That is why the delays here are driving GreXX batshit.
As for my "us verses them attitude".... 5K, your posts usually contain attacks disguised as "suggestions" and "helpful information".... but are attacks none the less.