constructive suggestions Yeah......... I had a drill sergeant like that too.
Ha ha ha. I'm not bossing anybody around like a drill sergent, I'm watching what you guys do on Crypti with no control over your actions. And YOU are dissing ME?
I understand that PoT has been a key part of the Crypti concept from its inception. But here's facts:
PoT didn't scale beyond a 50 node testnet. PoT is currently off-line. Outsiders have been called in to implement an improved PoT algorithm. There has been no indication yet from devs or outsiders that an improved PoT algorithm is even feasible. The bandwidth required by an improved PoT algorithm is unknown. The max number of nodes that can be supported by an improved PoT algorithm in a one minute blocktime is unknown. The steps and time required to test and verify an improved PoT algorithm is unknown. The restart date of Crypti under an improved PoT algorithm is unknown. And I have provided a reasonable numerical analysis (adjusted downward to accommodate YOUR constructive suggestions!) that PoT forging is going to require at least $3K of annual sales per Crypti node to compensate participating forgers for their annual node expenses just so they can break even, yet there is no Crypti plan to throttle or control the number of PoT forging nodes that go online and so assure this break-even threshold is maintained for the good of the forgers.
Despite these facts, PoT is still Crypti's Plan A.
OK, so be it.
All I have been talking about is a vendor-and-commerce-oriented Crypti Plan B WITHOUT PoT as a backup if Crypti Plan A WITH PoT you guys are working on doesn't get back on track.
IF your drill sergeant was any good, he told you that no plan survives contact with the enemy.
That's why you had better have a Plan B in your back pocket when you go into battle, and a predetermined decision threshold on when to use it.
No coin, not TimeCoin, not NODE, or any other, has been able to successfully write a PoT algo so far. If they had, we would have copied it. They either use random choices (NODE) like we are right now, or go by the timestamp.
They are probably waiting for us to write it.
There are several different ways we are approaching it, including the sub-grouping you suggested two weeks ago. Master nodes was suggested as well, but how do you trust a master node not to direct forging to particular nodes and lock out others?
I am not a coder but I do do flow charts very well, cutting my teeth on it in the late 70s. We have laid out what we think will work, and now it is up to the outside programers and coders to make it work. As a fallback, the algo may have to chose the next 10 forgers, send out the transactions, then have 10 minutes to ping all nodes and pick the next 10 forgers. There are many roads to Rome, but only one that avoids the mountains.
As for contact with the enemy....... I know more about that than is fit to talk about.