Thanks for the bumps buddy, sorry that u didnt get to buy in ICO and are now crying . Developers aren't going to show you anything.
Too bad you can't ban people on BCT.
I never quite understood the type of trolling/fud people tend to take part in here. Even if a person's goal is to suppress a coin's price due to the perceived competition with a coin he is holding (which is a flawed goal to begin with), logically you'd think it'd work better if the person posted in a somewhat sane manner.
Research the coin, post valid concerns, maybe even post them several times. Then either it takes, or doesn't take.
Instead trolls post like they are morons, have no idea half the time what the coin they are fudding is even about, make up wild accusations (hey, these fonts look sorta, kinda similar to some other coin!), and then they go into insult mode. Why would they think that would be taken seriously by anyone?
I've also seen iffy coins with real valid concerns actually do better due to trolling, just because the accusations were so moronic that people simply overlooked it as noise.
When a person posts repeatedly and goes around calling people 'fucktards', I take it the troll is either 14 years old, or simply a true troll ... meaning they have no intention of suppressing a coin's price, they just like being annoying. Either that, or they simply aren't very bright.