Hey guys, I'm just waking up and checking through the posts. I too seem to be dealing with the "update your secretPhrase and then your node stops working" issue. SyRenity helped me out with this about 20 hours ago and I got it working. That is to say we nano config.json with my passphrase between "" after "secretPhrase", then forever restart app.js. All was fine and I was able to login to my node through http and see my wallet, etc. Then I went to bed. When I got up I found that the http wallet of the node no longer responded. Looking through the logs.log I found that the node couldn't sync and thus could not process another block. It filled up the logs. So, I tried removing the passphrase and restarting to no avail. So, I scrapped the build by basically rm -r all directories and rebuilt it. Before I changed my secretphrase I checked the logs again and found that blocks are now processing. This to me means that it forges whether or not you set a secretphrase (correct me if I'm wrong). You just don't get credit for it if you don't set your secretPhrase. It seems that after downloading a fresh blockchain.db and setting the secretPhrase back to null is what does the trick for me. I believe this is because I am still waiting on bter to send 1100 XCR to my wallet (patiently waiting since around 12:45PM 8/23/2014 UTC), in addition to the other forking issues the devs are working on for 0.1.5. So, after rebuilding and testing, then changing the secretPhrase again and testing it appears to be working after restarting. However, now in my logs I am getting:
{"level":"warn","message":"Can't forge, node not synchronized!","timestamp":"2014-08-24T07:28:02.786Z"}
Although it is not filling up my logs just yet, i expect it to because I have yet to receive the 1110 XCR transfer to my wallet. Please correct or verify any of the anecdotal information I've shared. I do not claim to be an expert but I do notice differences/changes/correlations/etc. I hope this helps somebody out there. By the way, here's the latest from my logs:
{"level":"warn","message":"Request last block not valid: 9528808480855801558","timestamp":"2014-08-24T07:32:45.042Z"}
{"level":"warn","message":"Can't forge, node not synchronized!","timestamp":"2014-08-24T07:32:45.960Z"}
The exact same thing happened to me after I restarted my server it just wouldn't load anymore.