Just thought I would post my 2.04 XCR (2 cents) about my experience with the demo wallet...
I used
http://passwordsgenerator.net to make my 100 character passphrase
I made sure to check the box next to "Exclude Similar Characters" so I didn't have to remember if o, 0, O was a zero...
after making it I then saving the passphrase in a secure location... anyone who wants to save it a diffrent way you can use the web site to come up with a long phrase to go with it... like this
NEXXCr3JKkMwXg8qL4rxErBfc7GxaW7Y35sCdm5CWf9J5bqM8K NUT EGG XBOX XBOX COFFEE rope 3 JACK KOREAN korean MUSIC walmart XBOX golf 8 queen LAPTOP 4 rope xbox EGG rope BESTBUY fruit coffee 7 GOLF xbox apple WALMART 7 YELP 3 5 skype COFFEE drip music 5 COFFEE WALMART fruit 9 JACK 5 bestbuy queen MUSIC 8 KOREAN
even though the website only gives you this long phrase for generating up to 50 character long passphases... I just generated 2 -50 character passphrases and pasted them together
Also The site allows up to 128 long passphases but the wallet only goes up to 100 character which is plenty long enough... seeing how Bitcoin only uses 50 character...
anyway I found the second passphrase for 100 XCR to be very easy to use... I know as the price of XCR goes up they plan on lowering the fee... I like that there is a fee to stop spammers and bots...
I also sent coins around to different wallets... I liked having multiple wallets open in different tabs sending coins back and forth..
The thing I did see with just the little back and forth that was done... the transaction fee dose drop as they mentioned pretty quickly
So just my thoughts all seemed to work fine... can't wait for it to go live and start forging some of the blocks...