Have to say that I agree with pookielax31 to some extent (except his comments on price, because yes, the minor downtrend started 40 minutes before the ann released).
That being said, this type of announcement should not have been hyped in the way it was (in this thread and on twitter). Almost no new information was revealed. Anyone following XC already has a good sense of the team members involved. Likewise we already knew that EM was being developed alongside REV2. So really, what information was new?
In addition to this, the opening paragraph was mediocre at best... and released with typos (REV3)?
I'm all for having an official statement on the team involved with XC, don't get me wrong. But this type of announcement did not deserve ANY trumpet blasts in advance (or if it did, they needed to be much more specific, because an updated team roster is hardly news).
And before anyone starts calling me a FUDDER / Cinni dev (w/ comprised intentions) -- I own more XC than you, times 10.
well said.
no need trumpet blasts.
to be honest, a little bit disappointed compared to excitement from all the updates from ATC.