Oh that was because some users were wondering if the DDOS is real. I'm not the dev, I'm the community manager. I think my posts were fairly serious and informative but I could be wrong.
Also belgium seriously? Nice country with ok internet but Romania has 1GBP up and down that would be more useful for DDOS.
Ok, but you know what i think about XC, and like some peoples in this community i'm tired of peoples who drop "DRK" in each messages (aka policymaker & mr_random)
Otherwise 1gbps is not really amazing, i know some peoples with 30
(probably from VPS)
Perl++ s manner is not acceptable and harming the community. His posts are in no way contributing to the thread but only sowing discord. Furthermore it s obvious this account was just made for this purpose. I really urge the moderator to not provide this guy a voice anymore since it is absolutely corrupted.
Sorry guys i'm messenger and yes i'm new. I hold XC and i dont wanna lose money.
I know ddos is not cool and maybe not good to DRK reputation or XC reputation but ddoser said DRK will get the same problem if they are trying to put shit on XC. I'm not sure of that, i'm just saying.