Please edit LTC address to ETH address
Name: Google+
(entry1); address: 1DymCJYLc38e42BfUvxZ8nT5PadFWv1j7C; bankroll: 100 mbtc
(entry2); address: LKrZs5Zb5hhytz4HCtknE3vGDB96B83Vo5; bankroll: 10 LTC
(entry3); address: DAi56iqTjML5PSyUvJrDHAhz7RehxT2DXJ; bankroll: 200K Doge
ETH : 0xe4ff703cd3089ff4a16a887567a430a46419efed
Bankroll : 5 ETH
Done! That is a very good decision in my opinion, glad you are taking advantage of our promotion offer.
My UserName: hawkins
My Doge wallet : D7JXn9mX8XihyXbP8BFtQuCRAWjDaej687
Bankroll : 200K
Count me in!
Username: NewBet
Bankroll: 100mBTC
BTC : 1BSkCcWPsoGWsxaEphQZWWh2btJsKmQXpD
Hello! Glad to see another competition
User Name : jordixal
Address : D8aCz4vGiVkeKXK5iYMqJJGrbThXhg48Z5
Bankroll : 200K Dogecoin
Thank you all for joining. You will be added to the leaderboard when the competition starts.
I need to remind you of our Ether promotion. We have
double top7 prizes for those playing with Ether, you should really consider it.
Also don't forget that the rules regarding the multi entry changed a little:- The 100 valid bets can be spread among all entries to qualify for participation prize. A top7 account still need the 100 bets on that account though
So I think it's also in your best interest to take advantage of that, since that gives free ROI% reset opportunities etc
If something goes wrong with one account you can just switch to another one, and the bets will not be "lost" at least for the participation prize!
Think about that.
Anyway, thanks for joining and good luck!