Ladies and Gentlemen. Today we have a ...
New Windows Mining Software Release32 bit and 64 bit Windows supported.
No, it is not a faster miner (you wish). What we have here is a bunch of packages suitable for beginners/novices/newbies to get up and running with pool mining in double-quick time. They are essentially cut-down versions of my Autominer without pool fail-over (*) or the ability to divide the hashing power across multiple pools.
There is a package available for each of the current XMG mining pools. The software will start a single instance of the miner and run a number of threads equal to the number of processors in your computer by default, but you can choose a lower number if required. The software runs the miner at LOW priority.
I have designed the packages to live alongside each other in the same folder as my Autominer package i.e C:\XMGminer so that they will share a single copy of the minerd binaries. Also, the distribution packages below do not include the minerd binaries so that the initial download does not trigger any anti-virus warnings. The minerd binaries are downloaded automatically if they do not already exist on your computer and a warning about possible interference from anti-virus software is issued before the download starts.
For Magipool: Maxminers: Noncepool: Suprnova: XMGpool: these have the same look and feel, since they are virtually the same code. Download the package for the required mining pool and run the executable. This is a self-extracting Zip file which unzips to C:\XMGminer by default. Once unzipped, run the setup file, which is a subtly different name depending on which package you have:-
Magipool: Run C:\XMGminer\MPsetup.bat
Maxminers: Run C:\XMGminer\MXsetup.bat
Noncepool: Run C:\XMGminer\NPsetup.bat
Suprnova: Run C:\XMGminer\SNsetup.bat
XMGpool: Run C:\XMGminer\Xsetup.bat (note:
not XPsetup.bat
I did not like the sound of that)
You will need to provide your pool username, worker name and worker password. After that you get the choice of how many threads you want to run (default = number of processors), then it asks if you want any custom minerd switches (default = none). The software creates a startup file for you and creates a desktop icon for it.
The whole procedure can be completed in under a minute, provided that you have set up your mining pool account beforehand.
The software also includes options to run an operational test, a benchmark, to download the whole package again and to download the latest minerd binaries, which will come in useful if/when I update the minerd.
(*) I lied. The code does actually include some lines to provide for fail-over to one other pool but I have not implemented it in this release. They "fail-over" to the same pool. If you know a good bit of Windows command line programming you should be able to spot it and implement pool failover just by editing a single line of code. Now there's a challenge for you.
Happy hashing