If I log in to mymonero.com from a linux computer which does not have any keylogger, which are the ways and probabilities that someone may steal xmr?
What are your safety recommedations when using mymonero.com?
It is reasonably safe as all keyrelated functions only run locally. But there is always a chance of mim attacks and other vulnerabilities you might have been, or will be ,exposed to. So unless you are very diligent on making sure you are not compromised : only for a small amount is the general recommendation. Like what you would lose if you lost your wallet. Your mileage may of course vary on what that may be (;-)
The mim, the man in the middle attack is I guess not likely if my computer is not compromised? So if I restart my linux computer by live dvd there cannot be any malware keylogger or such. And that way the man in the middle attack is not really likely?
Unlikely agreed.You are still trusting a js download which could be compromised for whatever reason. Although it is generally trusted, my tinfoil hat says small money only still.