I'm going to copy the formula you posted earlier to make sure I get it -
For simplicity I will define:
BlkSize = (1+B) M
NBaseReward = R
basePenalty (for a given B) = P
BNewReward (for a given B) = R
BI'm assuming that B is the current block? Is it the size of the block in bytes? kb? I think its the 1 + B that is throwing me off. Does that just mean "the next block"?
The penalty for a given B becomes:
B = R
2While the new reward for a given B becomes:
B = R
base(1 - B
The first derivative of P
B with respect to B is
B /
dB = 2R
I apologize that I can't parse the equations. Its even worse as I type now with the bbcode or whatever formatting it is.
So if I'm reading this right, you're using hashrate as an indicator of the size of the network? Or just use something other than blocksize scaling / penalty formula for the first two tiers?
I apologize for being obtuse in my understanding.
The way that I understand things is that we need a way to match the internal cost (xmr) with the external value of xmr for adding data to the blockchain. With the multi-tiered system you propose, something is used to adjust the xmr cost for the first two tiers, and then for tiers 3,4,5 , it uses a component of the block size penalty. I think what I'm not getting is that as the network becomes more valuable, the internal xmr cost has to go down to maintain the usability of the network. Now, if the change in the transaction fee is coupled to a transaction priority system and is dependent on the block penalty... wouldn't all those things imply that the transaction fee is increasing?
No apologies needed. You are not being obtuse, in fact, on the contrary, you are being very helpful. These are far from easy concepts to understand and explain. Furthermore I am not aware of any other crypto currency that has even seriously looked at these issues let alone proposed a solution or set of solutions, even though these are issues that every crypto currency faces.
You are of course correct. that "we need a way to match the internal cost (xmr) with the external value of xmr for adding data to the blockchain".
Monero however imposes a significant linear correlation between the internal cost (xmr) and the external value of adding data to the blockchain by virtue of the penalty function for blocksize scaling. I say linear because for a given base reward the cost in xmr adding a particular transaction of a given size in KB to a particular part of the penalty area falls liniarly with the the median of the blocksize. For example if M
N is 10x larger the cost per transaction falls by a factor of 10 since there are 10x as many transactions paying for a given amount of penalty. In this example I am assuming the transactions are all of the same size for simplicity.
B is the
relative increase in the block size over the median blocksize, It can range from 0 (no increase) to 1 (100% increase / doubling of the blocksize). The critical point here is that B attracts the same penalty in XMR for an increase in blocksize from say 1 MB to 1,1 MB than for say 1 GB to say 1.1 GB, since in both cases B = 0.1. In the latter case there are 1024x more transactions to absorb the cost of the penalty so the cost per transaction falls by a factor of 1024. Again I am assuming for simplicity the same distribution by size of transactions in the 1.1 MB and 1.1 GB blocks.
Now here is where it can get interesting. If the natural relationship between network value and network size is say M
N log (M
N) rather than M
N then it is possible for the cost of a transaction, in real terms, in the penalty area to rise with log (M
N) at least for a period of time. This can happen if for example market responds to this difference by optimizing transactions in order to minimize paying the penalty. This would occur because all transactions do not have the same priority. It is for this reason that there can be a very significant merit to use a different scaling formula (difficulty adjusted for block reward) for the low tier fee levels than for the high tier fee levels where the fees are effectively set by the base reward and median blocksize.
Okay. So in the equations state above, I think you're just laying out the existing penalty fee as it exists in Monero.
From an earlier post, you state
In this scenario per KB fees are proportional to the base reward divided by the median of the blocksize over the last N blocks, Rbase/MN.
I think this is the only place I see a clear exposition of how per KB fees will be calculated, and it is directly tied to M
n, so therefore the blocksize penalty mechanics are sort of encapsulated by M
n . So the base reward will eventually hit 0.6 (at current 2 minute blocktime), so at that point the the median blocksize is the main driver.
I say linear because for a given base reward the cost in xmr adding a particular transaction of a given size in KB to a particular part of the penalty area falls liniarly with the the median of the blocksize. For example if MN is 10x larger the cost per transaction falls by a factor of 10 since there are 10x as many transactions paying for a given amount of penalty. In this example I am assuming the transactions are all of the same size for simplicity.
With this I can see where your head is at - basically we assume that if the M
N has grown, the network has become more valuable due to the increase in activity. The increased external valuation has to be countered with an internal decrease in the xmr cost to add to the chain, though it must be done with the proper safeguards to prevent bloat attack (or something). In your approach, this is done by directly scaling the blockchain fee with the penalty, which is directly coupled to M
So, in practice (for humans using the network), we will have a statistic that details M
N in real time, and the software client will make suggestions based on M
N for per KB fees.
Meanwhile, the consensus protocol creating a given block will have calculated M
N for a given span, determined the optimal size of the block to create. If the optimal size of the block to create is <= the previous block, any transaction meeting the current blockchain-fee threshold can be included in that block. If the optimal size of the block to create is > the previous block, any transaction meeting the current blockchain-fee threshold can be included in addition to transactions with lower fees.
My brain hurts just imagining how the optimal block size calculations will look.
I wonder if we should pull the training wheels with the 60 kb thing and just let the protocol do its thing, then we could see how the blocksize penalty actually affects things. Though that would force miners to not mine any transactions until the mempool is stuffed. Hrm...