I was born into the worst poverty America has to offer, a shabby trailer park and government food handouts. Through good decisions, I've crawled my way up to middle class in my adult life. Now crypto will allow me to take the next step and become wealthy.
It's a shame I don't already have a few hundred thousand USD to put into Monero (I would if I could), but I'm quite proud I have been shoving all the money I could into it for over a year now. (including that 30% APR loan I took a year ago and used it to buy my initial savings with). It might not seem like much to you, but that money represents all my savings and more value than I have ever held. I don't think there's a better asset in the world for it to be in, either. It's rare that you find something so profitable that has the power to make the world a radically better place.
I may not have been given very many math perks, but I decidedly have the gift of gab. I think it's probably fortunate my energies have been directed at an actual worthwhile asset, vs allowing them to fire randomly into shell alts and premine scams.
I appreciate you a lot. Taking risk at times when it looked like XMR community had near death experience (coin price 0.001 each) and hardly anybody commenting here and hyping.
Often bets like these will not pay but when the pay you off they pay big time. Monero has quite good odds IMO. The only thing basically XMR is lacking is marketing team, but I guess once the price starts rising (yes, the price has not even started rising, it is around the same as it was when I purchased my first coins back in early June-August 2014). Risto told us Monero will be trading between 0.002-0.004 range. I find this being quite accurate price range. It is hard to predict the future so there has to be some forgiveness for predictions like this (after all, the periods at sub 0.002 has been less than 2 years so it is nothing).
BTW 30 % pa sounds quite interest to loan money.. It is like 10 times higher than I would pay. One way to cut interest payments is to refinance the loan with a collateral (perhaps a car, appartment, real estate etc). If there would be a way to do a collateralized loan overseas I for instance could lend you the amount for 10 % interest pa with a sufficient collateral.