(( I am dub-posting in here as this is the main XMR thread to me - I feel this info may be useful for those looking to mess around a little with the coming action ))
"Depositing period 2017.08.25 (Fri) 4:00 pm Payment address Open ~ 2017.08.28 (Mon) to 12:00 (Noon)"
That means the depositing period is ending Sunday 27th - 8PM Pacific - 11PM Eastern time for us on the other side of the pond. Take a look - the opening of the period coincides within 2 hours of the action we saw on the 25th, and since. It is well worth analyzing the parallels between volume, price, new floors, and the underlying reasons for these. As they say hindsight is 20/20.
"Trading period 2017.08.28 (Mon) Listing on Monero ~ 2017.08.31 (Thursday) Midnight"
I am assuming trading period starts immediately after the deposit period ends, which again would be Sunday 27th - 8PM Pacific - 11PM Eastern. However, if they really mean Monday at 00:00, that would be Sun 8AM PST - 11AM EST ie bout 9 hours from now.
The trading period ends Thursday for them. There is, strangely, a 1-day gap between then, and:
A 'Weekend Bingham Trading King' event this next weekend for them from Sat 00:00 to Sun 23:59 (don't forget to account for the -16 hours for PST / -13 hours for EST). It is from this event, if I understand correctly, that they will give out rewards for trading activity measured during, up to 100XMR (then worth $20K? 30K? more?). Expect said trading activity to be significant and perhaps insane - with this coming' Mondays' first round but mere foreplay.
I expect some weak-hand shaking by the whales as well, during the lulls (you can actually see one shakedown just a couple hours ago). Expect no mercy. Don't be fooled and sell at the dip only to watch them snatch everything back up on the cheap causing another spike! Be careful of these waves if you're going out there. I'll be playing around a little though
Anyways, hope this helps you guys. I've done some pretty heavy analysis on this and other trading frenzies by the koreans, and I am very optimistic to say the least and have hedged my bets accordingly. Try not to FOMO too hard once it starts! - make smart trades and don't let the emotions rule (but don't rule out that GUT either, Big Dog!)