Firstly, learn to put commas!
Secondly, I still wait on your superb fundamentals insights! Though, your posts shows that you simple incapable of grasping one.
You need commas because your a slow non English reader...commas arent required here
As for the second point..everything is posted already. Everyone else take from that what you will
You could use apostrophes as-well, as a second thing in your grammar belt!
Nothing really to take from you, worthless, as usual. Into ignore.
Im born and brought up in a native English speaking country - UK
Don't tell me how about my own language you ignorant fool - you're wrong - 100%
You don't speak English which is why you need hand holding on simple things like this
A comma is used in specific situations, not because your a slow reader (which you are)
An apostrophe isn't required in online forums - that is ad libbing conversation under a particular style, similar to how people use "lol" with a defined meaning or how people message through texts
As for Ripple, support the banks all you want. You are just showing your a little sheep that can't stand on your own two feet
I have made my money from XRP and now I'm out...other people may differ and that's totally fine with me