Wraith is not working.
Here's a list of bugs that I've encounter:
- Impossible to create a Stealth address with the User Interface
- Creation needs to be done by command window, and the size is weird, too big for small screens.
- When restarting the program, all Stealth Addresses are gone, lost and damned.
- Dumpprivkey doesn't work with Stealth Addresses
- Mac OS wallet is incomplete, users need to run brew install boost with terminal
- Windows Wallet doesn't accept addresses with more than 34 characters, so no transaction from this QT.
As the User Interface creates some regular Addresses instead of Stealth, users thinks they're using Wraith. And they're not.
Not sure how many characters the Stealth Addresses have ? IMO 102 but not sure as there is no information.
Plus, releasing a Software where people will hodl money without being sure that the private keys are safe is not professional.
We can't even backup the private keys
A good example of a constructive criticism, something the dev can read and maybe take on board. I have not tried it myself as of yet, sounds like it needs some work.