All right... so since a couple of weeks, I am a multivergillionaire
It might sound strange, but until six weeks ago I did not even know that crypto currencies existed.
A friend told me about bitcoins going up, I started reading about crypto currencies, public ledgers and anonymity and then, on I read these comments on Verge:
- "Whatever ZCash is proposing VERGE is already at it. Dash and Monero even though on huge premium prices don't come close to the anonymity you've got with Verge."
- "This [Verge] is the only coin to have an electrum wallet that connects directly to i2p nodes. It's the only anonymous coin that exists today."
- "For those who want the real deal Verge is always there."
Honestly, that made me buy a lot of XVG without hesitation.
To be honest, I cannot believe how Verge basically went unnoticed last year while other privacy-centric currencies exploded. It is just so undervalued. I also believe that that is about to change: the world needs privacy-centric currencies more than ever and it deserves it. And it will find Verge to be the #1.
I do think however that we need to spread the word. As I said, a few remarks on a web page were enough for me to find Verge. Also lets be mature and polite. So lets not spam the Poloniex trollbox begging them to add XVG to their exchange, but just fill in the request form (once). There's no need to beg, Polo will want to list XVG when more people start buying/trading it.
For that to happen though, some more info would be nice. Like background info about the relatively large coin supply and its consequences. Comparisons to other currencies. A manual on how to use Verge in an anonymous way. An explanation on Verge vs masternodes/segwit/
{other trending stuff} so people can learn and understand. A roadmap with upcoming functionality, planned releases...
I'm not sure I can personally contribute to any of those things, but following up on daggerpunt and chilly2k (other thread) I am willing to make a 1.000.000 XVG donation to get things started.
Finally: although it's good to see volumes and prices going up, this is not about the XVG value for our own profit. This is about delivering a high level of protection and privacy to a world that needs it.
Great product, great developer, great community!
Good luck everyone, and thank you Dogedarkdev for all the work you're putting into this!
I'm not too keen on the technical side of all coins, so if someone could make a small comparison list of Verge vs Zcash and Monero (or any other competitor coin), I'd be more than glad to make a nice looking comparison infographic with the color theme of the website (unless something already exists but I couldn't find anything). Perhaps here, or through PM, so I could make something easily share-able in the style of this
this and
this, just nicer.