XVG is now not among the coins which have a future with zero but it already passed away from that situation and now its roots are much stronger than many of the coins. It just need a mind from the investors. If they will read about the upcoming use of this coin in the market then they will invest in this coin.
In 2018, if you are the user of XVG then you will know that, the use of XVG got a bigger boost when they partnered with mindgeek which is also tending the demand of the coin to increase. This is not the only company and partnership but the team is also extremely busy in making more and more partners. Tokenpay is also becoming a source to boom up the price of XVG when they will start its debit cards. The plus point is that in this year not only the demand of the coin is increased but also the supply is halved for the miners in the previous month. So the flow from the mining to the market is halved which will become a reason for the price to double up when the market will be okay.
You have no idea how that halving works out for mining. I made a detailed post some 10 or 20 pages earlier, seems you missed it. If you think that halving the mining reward of a 16B max supply is doubling its price you are totally ultra mega wrong. The impact is about 0.1% on price, at most with such max. supply and daily volume.
We are back to the roots dude.....
The max supply has nothing to do with that. That was wrong 10 sides before, it is the same 10 sides later...
Bitcoin: Supply: ~17,100,000 Coins, new Coins per Day: 6 * 24 * 12.5 = 1,800
Percent of supply right now: 1,800 / 17,100,000 * 100 = 0,0105%
Verge: Supply: ~15,000,000,000 Coins, new Coins per Day: 120 * 24 * 730 = 2,102,400
Percent of supply right now: 2,102,400 / 15,000,000,000 * 100 = 0.0140%
So Bitcoin as well as Verge has a daily increase of coins, of less then 0.02%.
This has nothing to do with the higher max supply. The number of bitcoins mined each day is much less, because of the lower max supply...
Than just wait like the other guy that it doubles in price due halving
And Bitcoin is just that, Bitcoin. Everybody that compares whatever Altcoin with Bitcoin is should get back to reality. Not even talking about comparing XVG with BTC, lol. Total joke.
I didnt say, price will double because of the halving. It will not, as i already mentioned some pages before. Meanwhile there is a new mining balance and you earn about the same amount of verge like before the halving, as hashrate has spreaded new.
I just tried to explain you, that this has nothing to do with the higher max supply of Verge...
I am trying this for some weeks now, but it seems you are resistent to understand it...
And i did not compare bitcoin and verge in a relevant way. You can take bitcoin above and replace it with any other crypto...
You could take bitcoins today, increase max supply from 21,000,000 to 21,000,000,000. What would happen? Each Bitcoin-holder would have 1000 times more bitcoins in his wallet and the price would be divided by 1000 and the amount of mined Bitcoins per block would increase to 12,500. Thats it. Calculated in any fiat, nothing would happen.
By the way, Bitcoin is a fantastic thing, no question. But from technical point, Bitcoin is one of the worst Cryptocurrencies out there. There are tons of better Cryptos, XVG included, but no question, there are much better Cryptos then verge, because of better DEV teams. But in long term i am convinced that all Cryptocurrencies, that keep PoW wont have a chance to survive. As good as the idea behind bitcoin is, if the needed power consumption for mining will increase at the same rate like it does the last years bitcoin will need the same amount of power as the whole world need without bitcoin in about 5 years... Not to mention, that no PoW-currency is really decentralized as there is one country that produces about 95% of the miners, China. These are the reasons, why i think, that Ethereum will be number one at latest by the end of 2019, because they begin to switch from PoW to PoS slowly with the new Casper Protocol. In mid term, each cryptocurrency that misses this neccesary step, will die in my opinion, Bitcoin included, if they miss that. The only reason why Bitcoin is still there where it is right now, is the first mover advantage, but this advantage will decrease day by day.