Hello. I wanted a good investment and literally just heard about btc when it was $1,100
Is there anyone that can tell me what they think btc will climb to by september-december 2014 (this year)
You work hard for that 12K?
How much would you want to banjo these fkn twats for telling you to buy right away and hold no matter what, when you are sitting watching Bitcoin 'consolidate' in the $400 - $500 range in a few weeks time from now? Market is very weak at the moment, with lots of people thinking that it is actually being artificially held up. I also think this but today, the floor just got taken away from under Bitcoin's feet. If another serious bit of selling pressure comes along anytime soon, then this market is going much lower.
Look at the chart formations, look at Bitcoin's price history, look at how other assets have generally performed after parabolic rises, followed by a crash and partial recovery.
Figure out what the important resistance levels are and only be prepared to take the plunge when Bitcoin shows that it can reach and convincingly breach these levels with gusto. Right now, if Bitcoin takes out $835 on Bistamp, on high volume, with great appetite for coins still at this price level, then that
might be a time to consider investing.
Don't invest in Bitcoin until it proves itself to be going in the right direction again and please don't, don't, and simply do not listen to the Bitcoin Nutters on this forum. Most of them are sitting on coins they got for less than $100, whilst they are practically commanding noobs to pounce upon $800 coins, telling them "get me while they are still cheap". These people need to be asbo'd.
I had some memorable run-ins with Bitcoin Nutters when I announced that I was selling $1100 coins in $1000 range in order to minimise damage. i got slated left right and centre for that and we all know what happened next.
Use your head, don't buy into the hype stories, just as you should guard yourself against the blatant fear mongering, although 'bear meterial' is definitely scarce in Bitcoin land.
As for which exchange to go to. Bitstamp has very limited trading options with no straightforward means of even setting a stop loss, but with that aside, it is the only exchange that I quite frankly feel I can trust. Bitcoin is littered with exchanges disappearing with all their customers Bitcoin and Geld. If you are just intending on being a straight forward buy n hold Bitcoiner, go straight to Stamp.