NOTE: you NEED to move/rename (backup) everything except wallet.dat and peers.dat in the yacoin data directory and then run yacoin with -loadblock=C:\blk0001.dat (assuming you put the blk0001.dat file in C:\). This is needed because we had to change the way blocks are indexed and now the wallet starts in LESS THAN 30 SECONDS (down from more than 30 minutes). However, this initial load will take somewhere around 2 hours (still faster than downloading it through the p2p network).
If you don't mind redownloading all the blocks, you can just remove the unneeded files and start yacoin normally (less hassle, but takes more time).
Most of the time at startup is now spend verifying the last couple of blocks (which needs to to recompute their hashes to ensure integrity). I've lowered this number from the default 2500 to 666 (rather arbitrarily chosen, but should absolutely be set higher than 520).
Hello sairon
If I understand correctly, one moves one's blk0001.dat and blkindex.dat to a new location, but leaves one's wallet.dat and .../database/log.00000000xx file(s) in place?
Does the wallet info depend upon the old information, somehow?
Also does the yacoin041 -loadblock="path to old blk0001.dat" invocation require an internet connection, or is a new blkindex.dat created from the old one?
I would like to eliminate as many variables as possible, since I'm doing this in windows!