You forgot all eth based exchanges from the list
. But people were predicting that decentralized exchanges would be big thing already by now. Only thing i can see slowing that process is the fact that people really like centralized exchanges with custodial services. And naturally centralized exchanges are faster and in many times more liquid, so people who are accepted to trade in there, will continue to do so.
I added a couple more to the list. You're right, but I wonder how long it will be until the liquidity and speed of DEXs catches up enough that the strengths of the DEXs will overpower the extra speed and liquidity of the CEXs.
DEX still has a long way to go to beat current top centralized exchanges. Yes, DEX did improve a lot in 2019 (remember the shitty etherdelta lol) but DEX still lacks behind in few things which can only be provided by CEX.
There's a rather big difference between 2017 and 2019. Who knows where things will be by 2021?
the reason for your question is because the centralization exchange (cex) first appeared before the Decentralization Exchange (dex), if if first the DEX appeared first I am sure many people would prefer DEX over CEX now,
if DEX is already many and famous then I'm sure many people will switch to DEX later.
Your reason isn't entirely correct. You see, Regardless of which happened first, People would often opt for things which are easier to access and a couple of other factors. Dex has been existing since late 2016 if I remember correctly and majority of them have fell short. I think about 2 of them now requires customers to do KYC in order to increase trading/withdrawal limits. One other thing that makes dex far more valuable is because they have little to no volume even Binance dex is struggling despite most of its volume coming from . Decentralized Exchanges have a long way to go
If a centralized authority can implement KYC, it's not a truly decentralized exchange!
Some projects are working on DEXs that will be as immutable as Bitcoin and impossible to shut down once they launch. DEX Aggregators will allow DEXs to communicate with each other so that, even if you're only on one DEX, you benefit from the orderbooks of several other DEXs. They, in turn, benefit from the volume you provide them. I think DEXs will pack a punch sooner than we expect.