I made a SYScoin withdraw on Yobit and it's completed at 2018-05-16 22:56:45 with Yobit's transaction id: c4abbe89933b622498e82dc55537cc29e3394ff8fa6e6d91aad00c49739b7758. It's two days I can't find my assets in blockchain explorer and on address that I provided during withdrawal.
Amount Scammed:
2370 SYS
Payment Method:
Proof of Payment:
c4abbe89933b622498e82dc55537cc29e3394ff8fa6e6d91aad00c49739b7758 - provided by Yobit.net
PM/Chat Logs:
Written to support, no any answer, same for yobit chat
Additional Notes:
Have anybody idea about solving this situation
You can find that hash on the old syscoin chain:
I suffered the same and I doubt they ever will solve this. I did not do enough research. The only thing I can do for the 500$ I lost is to warn others.