Yobit has different timezone with this forum.
Have you got any idea what timezone yobit is in? I tried asking in the chat bar but either nobody knew or nobody could be bothered replying. Im hoping they update the site so it has timestamps in the trades because at the moment all you can see are dates which make it difficult to narrow down certain things.
If can help you consider that usually when i post at 8-9Pm GTM+1 Rome sometimes get considered as posted on the next day, but i think that maybe getting the real timezone of yobit server is easy but i just don't know if is possible or not
Im gmt and ive noticed somewhere between 7-8 but i think it depends on when it refreshes as well because its not been the same everyday. for example if the last refresh was at 6.50 and the next one was at 8 then chances are my posts will count in the next day instead of the previous if you know what i mean.