What is the use of displaying Real BR? It doesn't help in anyway to calculate the max profit .
Knowing the real bankroll lets you know how much you can win. It tells you how much is actually in the bankroll. The effective bankroll isn't a very useful number, since it doesn't represent real coins. You can use it to calculate the maximum profit per bet, but the maximum profit per bet is already displayed so why bother?
Just enter any of your BTC addresses from your wallet and set up login&password immediately after that. Addresses are not publicly visible. Just make sure the address you put is yours.
It doesn't need to be an address you have ever used or will ever use. Just make up a new random private key and use that.
You can create a new private key using bitaddress.org, and can sign messages using that private key by using Bitcoin Core's new "signmessagewithprivkey" function.
1. go to bitaddress.org
2. wiggle the mouse until you see an address and private key - I got 1DNf7jyzMFBEtj6FbGVgdUBrMtsu6LNRJw and KyGJpNvDphQMzp561pybpegF1hZ1c8nMi2VjytrAaCtMpkGbzMf6
3. give the address to yolodice.com, keep a copy of the private key
4. when you need to sign a message, use bitcoin core:
$ bitcoind -noconnect
$ bitcoin-cli signmessagewithprivkey KyGJpNvDphQMzp561pybpegF1hZ1c8nMi2VjytrAaCtMpkGbzMf6 "message goes here"
You don't need a copy of the blockchain - the -noconnect option will prevent it from trying to sync the blockchain.
Please note that I do not vouch for yolodice.