Merchants & Exchangers accept
bitcoins internet random tokens from those who sell before you do, However they don't want this worthless tokens neither, So what they do?
they sell those tokens back to you on bitcoin exchangers (you are here playing a role in bag holders and wait for the next victim).
Now you see
all those money is in fact paid by you or your victims, you pay those who sell before you do, you pay miners electrical & machine cost, you pay exchangers & bitcoin payment processors fees, you feed their employers, making their boss filthy rich in their luxury condos & private islands. They love this very much, in order to keep you holding the bags and keep paying and staying in game as long as possible, They will tell you how "amazing" "brilliant future" this token has while
they are dumping secretly all the way down, they also make you fake recovers and pump and dumps so you will always hope and carry the bags even the price is dropping periodicity lower.
Now you know about it, what to do? Sell your bags!
don't bother about all those "dreams and futures" they sell you again, don't fall in false recover traps, remember those are all lies which won't last long. once enough of us do the right thing:
ponzi scammers (who encourage you to buy tokens while selling on the sly to you to become so called "bitcoin millionaires"
yes you do know who those criminals are, no doubt that they already bought several Caribbean passports just in case backup plan needed you know.)
greedy beneficiaries in this ponzi game (bitcoin payment processors & exchangers & miner manufactories),
They will all have to give up this evil scheme and quickly dump a huge amount (millions of bitcoins) and grab the last money on the table then disappear. aka the final capitulation. Of cause
some of them might be caught later and sentence to jail for ponzi & fraud & money laundering etc. Governments will then outlaw bitcoin and any one use it will face up to years in prison like Bangladesh,Bolivia,Ecuador,Indonesia,Russia,Thailand etc.
It would be the final pain for all the rest bitcoiners (bitcoin ponzi scheme victims who evade to come to their senses) but it's still better than more new people get scammed and you would be just fine as long as you sell fast.
Wake up call: this internet token lie is already on the edge of collapse, it's rapidly approaching the next flash crash point, don't wait any longer!
Sometime you wonder where has your money gone to and why do they always suggest you to buy & hold ?'s you who paid for all these shit, you (victims) will end up lost everything: