The private key must be protected. The seed phrase must be protected because it can generate the private key. Even after some wallets warned users to keep it (the private key or seed phrase) safe, some people still do not, but got lured to input the seed phrase on a website, be it a secure or not a secure site, the website owner can see the seed phrase and use it to steal coins on the address generated by the seed phrase.
But some scam are funny but actually what is happening which people should totally avoid, this are direct scam in a way a scammer told the victim to send bitcoin to a certain address in order to receive double of the amount sent, like this one:
Scam from Google Form, Crypto Donate.
I still remember when I was not yet on this forum, trying to get some free bitcoin, I registered on a site that indicated bitcoin is mined for me, told me to pay half of the amount that was mined (fake mining). It was obviously a scam and such should be avoided, but though, may not be obvious to newbies.
Once people are not greedy, once they learn how to avoid scam and hack, they will be able to be on the safer side.