
Topic: you can BUY BITCOINS FOR CASH - EASY TO DO - SOLID REP (Read 2666 times)

Activity: 3318
Merit: 2008
First Exclusion Ever
If the responses so far haven't shown you what a douche this guy is I can chime in with a trade I did with him a couple months back.

I wanted 2 silver rounds, he gave me a USD price. I agree to the USD price and then he didn't PM me again til the next day (over 8 hours) when BTC was at it's week low. Said he "just woke up and that was the price" Of course it was only that low for less than an hour, when I went to send the coins it had already risen back to what it'd been hovering around that week. I sent coins equal to the USD price we had agreed on (never did agree to a BTC price) at the time I sent. He accused me of waiting for the price to rise before I sent and demanded the "price we had agreed on". Overall it only ended up being like $4 difference and I had already sent the bulk of the BTC. I didn't want problems so I just sent the rest. He did ship the items and they arrived quickly and secure. So not saying anything against his trustworthiness. But he will do whatever he can to nig you out of a couple percent. Made me never want to deal with him again.

Here's exactly how it went.

His post says his rate is mtgox low at time of exchange.

he sends USD price
I agree to USD price
Next day sends BTC rate
I pay @ mtgox low at time I sent (couple hours after his last msg to me which I didn't reply)

Never did agree to his bullshit btc rate (already a ripoff at mtgox low, then added insult to injury) only a USD price. When we were discussing the USD price BTC/USD exchange rate was closer to what I sent than his rate. So the notion that I was the one who waited for an advantage when the longest time between replies was on his end and in his favor is a joke.


If I would have confirmed 8 hours earlier your Bitcoin would have been worth even less...

I'm interested in non-rare silver pieces/coins/bullion you might have. Looking mainly for .999. Closer to spot price the better. Don't really care the condition of the coin.  Around 24 BTC budget for now.
I can get you generic rounds at $40 each (at mtgox low) shipped free in the US, insurance is $3 extra for the first unit, $1 each after that. If you ware looking to spend every last Bitcoin in your budget on silver I have some 90% silver pieces that I can make change with. Let me know if this is acceptable and I will get you an address and prepare your shipment. Thanks!

I'll take 2 generic rounds. Could I also get 3 steel pennies @0.25BTC as well?

so $80.25 total with shipping right? I don't need insurance.

Let me know the address and I'll send payment asap.

Sure, the total comes to about $81.07 converted at mtgox low of $4.30 comes to 18.85 BTC for:
2 - One ounce .999 generic silver bullion rounds shipped to the US.
3 - US steel pennies

Please respond with your address and direct payment to: 1FJTnfQcF9t5kQhed3gZyA12NiFuoJmAPB

I will get your rounds and pennies out out ASAP. Hope to deal with you again. Thank you!

Clearly a set rate...

at time of sending payment mtgox low is 4.45 so total comes to $81.1125 USD or 18.22752809 BTC rounded to 18.25 BTC for convenience.

So I sent 18.25 BTC to 1FJTnfQcF9t5kQhed3gZyA12NiFuoJmAPB. If you have a problem with that amount or the low dips again before you exchange or whatever let me know.

Shipping address is

123 main st.
Anytown USA"

You clearly unilaterally decide you get to change the rate because you didn't send until later...

Excuse me sir - but once the rate is set - it is set, you don't get to wait for a price you like then send at that rate. The instant I got the message I responded with a price at current rates. If everyone did this back and forth all the time no one would ever get anything done. If you would please forward .6 BTC to the previous address I will get your items packed up and shipped out for tomorrow. Thanks

I politely ask you to pay the AGREED UPON PRICE....

I didn't wait or anything, when I was ready to send that's what it was. But I see your point and it's not worth arguing about. I sent 0.6 to that address you should get it in the next few minutes.
 A total delay of THREE HOURS between product confirmation and setting the price in BTC. Clearly a meticulously planned conspiracy to rob you of $2.56

You received exactly what you paid for, quickly as promised. I am not sure why all of the drama and false accusations are required for a transaction completed, as promised in March, or how expecting to be paid what I agreed to makes me a "douchebag"... just in case anyone is wondering this is why I didn't want all the "helpers" here because it has clearly devolved into a thread crapfest now.
sr. member
Activity: 406
Merit: 250
sr. member
Activity: 252
Merit: 250
If the responses so far haven't shown you what a douche this guy is I can chime in with a trade I did with him a couple months back.

I wanted 2 silver rounds, he gave me a USD price. I agree to the USD price and then he didn't PM me again til the next day (over 8 hours) when BTC was at it's week low. Said he "just woke up and that was the price" Of course it was only that low for less than an hour, when I went to send the coins it had already risen back to what it'd been hovering around that week. I sent coins equal to the USD price we had agreed on (never did agree to a BTC price) at the time I sent. He accused me of waiting for the price to rise before I sent and demanded the "price we had agreed on". Overall it only ended up being like $4 difference and I had already sent the bulk of the BTC. I didn't want problems so I just sent the rest. He did ship the items and they arrived quickly and secure. So not saying anything against his trustworthiness. But he will do whatever he can to nig you out of a couple percent. Made me never want to deal with him again.

Here's exactly how it went.

His post says his rate is mtgox low at time of exchange.

he sends USD price
I agree to USD price
Next day sends BTC rate
I pay @ mtgox low at time I sent (couple hours after his last msg to me which I didn't reply)

Never did agree to his bullshit btc rate (already a ripoff at mtgox low, then added insult to injury) only a USD price. When we were discussing the USD price BTC/USD exchange rate was closer to what I sent than his rate. So the notion that I was the one who waited for an advantage when the longest time between replies was on his end and in his favor is a joke.

hero member
Activity: 784
Merit: 1000
May I ask why the thread isn't locked?
Activity: 3318
Merit: 2008
First Exclusion Ever
That's fine. My demand wi be going elsewhere, though.

Have a nice day

Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out!

That wasn't neccessary. I gave you an amicable response and ended with an equally friendly valediction.
You never intended to solicit my service and simply came here to crap on my thread and and complain about terms of a service you have no interest in using. Your opinion is of no consequence to me. See your way out of my thread now.
hero member
Activity: 784
Merit: 1000
That's fine. My demand wi be going elsewhere, though.

Have a nice day

Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out!

That wasn't neccessary. I gave you an amicable response and ended with an equally friendly valediction.
Activity: 3318
Merit: 2008
First Exclusion Ever

4. Prozac then?  What is shocking is that for someone wanting a tidy thread, you sure got a lot to say.  I will fuck off now - no further response from you is needed, ignore.

Good, then that means I can look forward to you never posting on one of my threads ever again. You'd love to minimize this and say I am complaining because I want a "tidy thread", but in reality the effects of your unwanted help are quite clear and it is nothing more than passive aggressive trolling. You have a life ( I assume ) why don't you go live yours and let me worry about mine.

The way I propose to do it to minimize the chance of cheating is that after the money is received, the seller will lock the price by checking it on mtgox and immediately send a message to the buyer. That way the buyer can verify the price at any time by checking the history and know that the seller is not cheating, because by waiting the price could go either way. It is still possible manipulate the price, but that's mainly a problem for large trades.

This is EXACTLY what I do now, only I don't just send a message I send the Bitcoins right away before the message. Did You read ANY of the thread I wrote?

That's fine. My demand wi be going elsewhere, though.

Have a nice day

Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out!
hero member
Activity: 784
Merit: 1000
That's fine. My demand wi be going elsewhere, though.

Have a nice day
Activity: 1284
Merit: 1001
The way I propose to do it to minimize the chance of cheating is that after the money is received, the seller will lock the price by checking it on mtgox and immediately send a message to the buyer. That way the buyer can verify the price at any time by checking the history and know that the seller is not cheating, because by waiting the price could go either way. It is still possible manipulate the price, but that's mainly a problem for large trades.
Activity: 1386
Merit: 1140
The Casascius 1oz 10BTC Silver Round (w/ Gold B)
Here are a couple ideas I think would work well if selling bitcoins like this.

1.  Suggest Registered Mail.  Registered Mail is a service that is meant for sending cash and is actually insured for the full cash value.  For domestic shipments you don't have to declare the contents, only the value.  The USPS will make damned sure they don't lose it - lock boxes at every step and signatures every time it switches hands until delivered.  They also impose stringent requirements on the packaging to ensure that it can't even be tampered along the way without evidence.  (typically that means using paper tape, all surfaces must absorb ink, and handwriting the address, and they will rubberstamp all the seams while you watch with the originating PO's cancellation stamp)

2.  Give people a locked in price, but require that they present evidence of mailing within a short time frame like 30 minutes or a couple hours.  Any time someone sends Registered or Express mail, the Post Office will give a paper receipt acknowledging the time it entered the system.  Since the objective is to prevent customers from "hedging" at your expense, your risk is covered by ensuring they mailed their payment.  If they mail the payment late or can't provide proof of timely mailing, you stipulate that when it arrives, you get to decide whether you honor the locked in rate.

I don't remember asking anyone for their opinion on my system. It works, and this is what I will use. This is not a democracy, it is a private trade between 2 parties. I am having no trouble finding customers and I didn't ask for, nor do I need any help figuring out how to trade. Believe it or not some people actually honored my request and PMed me questions that they had, and were satisfied enough to complete multiple transactions. I have provided exceptional service to everyone here I trade with, and have worked hard to earn my level of trust. I don't appreciate a bunch of people showing up to "fix" something that isn't broken.

3.  Have a beer.  Or a valium.

Most people would not have this sort of objection or put as much effort as you did into publicly chastising someone for being helpful (especially item #1, which is help for your customers, not you).  If it's that big a deal, then delete your post and I'll delete each of mine in this thread.

Normally I wouldn't mind, but this isn't the first time you've been "helpful" to me. I made it pretty clear in the OP I wanted posts here to be minimal to nonexistent, I am not sure why you are shocked. Additionally you have stated you understand my objections and are aware of a reasonable way to correct the situation yet you are still attempting to dictate my actions for me rather than simply correcting the situation. I have no trouble helping my customers, and if they need help they are big boys and girls who can figure it out for themselves if need be.

4. Prozac then?  What is shocking is that for someone wanting a tidy thread, you sure got a lot to say.  I will fuck off now - no further response from you is needed, ignore.
Activity: 3318
Merit: 2008
First Exclusion Ever
Here are a couple ideas I think would work well if selling bitcoins like this.

1.  Suggest Registered Mail.  Registered Mail is a service that is meant for sending cash and is actually insured for the full cash value.  For domestic shipments you don't have to declare the contents, only the value.  The USPS will make damned sure they don't lose it - lock boxes at every step and signatures every time it switches hands until delivered.  They also impose stringent requirements on the packaging to ensure that it can't even be tampered along the way without evidence.  (typically that means using paper tape, all surfaces must absorb ink, and handwriting the address, and they will rubberstamp all the seams while you watch with the originating PO's cancellation stamp)

2.  Give people a locked in price, but require that they present evidence of mailing within a short time frame like 30 minutes or a couple hours.  Any time someone sends Registered or Express mail, the Post Office will give a paper receipt acknowledging the time it entered the system.  Since the objective is to prevent customers from "hedging" at your expense, your risk is covered by ensuring they mailed their payment.  If they mail the payment late or can't provide proof of timely mailing, you stipulate that when it arrives, you get to decide whether you honor the locked in rate.

I don't remember asking anyone for their opinion on my system. It works, and this is what I will use. This is not a democracy, it is a private trade between 2 parties. I am having no trouble finding customers and I didn't ask for, nor do I need any help figuring out how to trade. Believe it or not some people actually honored my request and PMed me questions that they had, and were satisfied enough to complete multiple transactions. I have provided exceptional service to everyone here I trade with, and have worked hard to earn my level of trust. I don't appreciate a bunch of people showing up to "fix" something that isn't broken.

3.  Have a beer.  Or a valium.

Most people would not have this sort of objection or put as much effort as you did into publicly chastising someone for being helpful (especially item #1, which is help for your customers, not you).  If it's that big a deal, then delete your post and I'll delete each of mine in this thread.

Normally I wouldn't mind, but this isn't the first time you've been "helpful" to me. I made it pretty clear in the OP I wanted posts here to be minimal to nonexistent, I am not sure why you are shocked. Additionally you have stated you understand my objections and are aware of a reasonable way to correct the situation yet you are still attempting to dictate my actions for me rather than simply correcting the situation. I have no trouble helping my customers, and if they need help they are big boys and girls who can figure it out for themselves if need be.

Definitely not doing date of receipt. That gives you the option of waiting a few days.

I've purchased BTC with cash-in-mail several times on #bitcoin-otc, and it's always MtGox Last @ transaction agreement time.

No it does not. If you get tracking service you will know the day it arrives as I explained in past posts which you did not bother to read. My terms are what I decide because, hey guess what! I have an asset people want so I get to choose.
Activity: 1386
Merit: 1140
The Casascius 1oz 10BTC Silver Round (w/ Gold B)
Here are a couple ideas I think would work well if selling bitcoins like this.

1.  Suggest Registered Mail.  Registered Mail is a service that is meant for sending cash and is actually insured for the full cash value.  For domestic shipments you don't have to declare the contents, only the value.  The USPS will make damned sure they don't lose it - lock boxes at every step and signatures every time it switches hands until delivered.  They also impose stringent requirements on the packaging to ensure that it can't even be tampered along the way without evidence.  (typically that means using paper tape, all surfaces must absorb ink, and handwriting the address, and they will rubberstamp all the seams while you watch with the originating PO's cancellation stamp)

2.  Give people a locked in price, but require that they present evidence of mailing within a short time frame like 30 minutes or a couple hours.  Any time someone sends Registered or Express mail, the Post Office will give a paper receipt acknowledging the time it entered the system.  Since the objective is to prevent customers from "hedging" at your expense, your risk is covered by ensuring they mailed their payment.  If they mail the payment late or can't provide proof of timely mailing, you stipulate that when it arrives, you get to decide whether you honor the locked in rate.

I don't remember asking anyone for their opinion on my system. It works, and this is what I will use. This is not a democracy, it is a private trade between 2 parties. I am having no trouble finding customers and I didn't ask for, nor do I need any help figuring out how to trade. Believe it or not some people actually honored my request and PMed me questions that they had, and were satisfied enough to complete multiple transactions. I have provided exceptional service to everyone here I trade with, and have worked hard to earn my level of trust. I don't appreciate a bunch of people showing up to "fix" something that isn't broken.

3.  Have a beer.  Or a valium.

Most people would not have this sort of objection or put as much effort as you did into publicly chastising someone for being helpful (especially item #1, which is help for your customers, not you).  If it's that big a deal, then delete your post and I'll delete each of mine in this thread.
Activity: 3318
Merit: 2008
First Exclusion Ever
Here are a couple ideas I think would work well if selling bitcoins like this.

1.  Suggest Registered Mail.  Registered Mail is a service that is meant for sending cash and is actually insured for the full cash value.  For domestic shipments you don't have to declare the contents, only the value.  The USPS will make damned sure they don't lose it - lock boxes at every step and signatures every time it switches hands until delivered.  They also impose stringent requirements on the packaging to ensure that it can't even be tampered along the way without evidence.  (typically that means using paper tape, all surfaces must absorb ink, and handwriting the address, and they will rubberstamp all the seams while you watch with the originating PO's cancellation stamp)

2.  Give people a locked in price, but require that they present evidence of mailing within a short time frame like 30 minutes or a couple hours.  Any time someone sends Registered or Express mail, the Post Office will give a paper receipt acknowledging the time it entered the system.  Since the objective is to prevent customers from "hedging" at your expense, your risk is covered by ensuring they mailed their payment.  If they mail the payment late or can't provide proof of timely mailing, you stipulate that when it arrives, you get to decide whether you honor the locked in rate.

I don't remember asking anyone for their opinion on my system. It works, and this is what I will use. This is not a democracy, it is a private trade between 2 parties. I am having no trouble finding customers and I didn't ask for, nor do I need any help figuring out how to trade. Believe it or not some people actually honored my request and PMed me questions that they had, and were satisfied enough to complete multiple transactions. I have provided exceptional service to everyone here I trade with, and have worked hard to earn my level of trust. I don't appreciate a bunch of people showing up to "fix" something that isn't broken.
full member
Activity: 168
Merit: 100're selling BTC. Not buying.
Activity: 1386
Merit: 1140
The Casascius 1oz 10BTC Silver Round (w/ Gold B)
Here are a couple ideas I think would work well if selling bitcoins like this.

1.  Suggest Registered Mail.  Registered Mail is a service that is meant for sending cash and is actually insured for the full cash value.  For domestic shipments you don't have to declare the contents, only the value.  The USPS will make damned sure they don't lose it - lock boxes at every step and signatures every time it switches hands until delivered.  They also impose stringent requirements on the packaging to ensure that it can't even be tampered along the way without evidence.  (typically that means using paper tape, all surfaces must absorb ink, and handwriting the address, and they will rubberstamp all the seams while you watch with the originating PO's cancellation stamp)

2.  Give people a locked in price, but require that they present evidence of mailing within a short time frame like 30 minutes or a couple hours.  Any time someone sends Registered or Express mail, the Post Office will give a paper receipt acknowledging the time it entered the system.  Since the objective is to prevent customers from "hedging" at your expense, your risk is covered by ensuring they mailed their payment.  If they mail the payment late or can't provide proof of timely mailing, you stipulate that when it arrives, you get to decide whether you honor the locked in rate.
hero member
Activity: 784
Merit: 1000
Definitely not doing date of receipt. That gives you the option of waiting a few days.

I've purchased BTC with cash-in-mail several times on #bitcoin-otc, and it's always MtGox Last @ transaction agreement time.
hero member
Activity: 495
Merit: 500
I can lock in@ $10 a coin...Got 120..HMU..Today .. I'll pay for express shipping..
Activity: 3318
Merit: 2008
First Exclusion Ever
stop hijacking my thread dildo - if you like it so much make your own thread
Activity: 75
Merit: 10
Proposed solution:
The letter/envelope must be postmarked on the day (or day after?) the price is locked in.
At least in the US, everything is postmarked with a date by the original sorting facility. will lock the price for 36 hours if you're mailing cash.  You'd have to send it overnight to take advantage of this though.
Activity: 3318
Merit: 2008
First Exclusion Ever
It is to prevent exactly what littleshop stated. They can simply wait to mail it to take advantage of dips, or if it doesn't work in their favor simply not ship at all. This way neither one of us knows exactly what the market will do, and with tracking the most I could possibly hold the payment for is one day because the date of receipt is part of USPS tracking, and since the MTGOX highs are set on a  24 hour basis, holding it would be kind of pointless as well as extremely obvious. I have given the users here absolutely no reason to suspect I am up to anything shady. Please review my trade history and feel free to point out anything factual you feel might contradict this.
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