As a trader, there is a lot of ups and downs in the market, you could loose all your capital in less than a minute with just a very little analytical mistake. The importance of living healthy cannot be overstated to reduce especially the risk of stroke, hypertension or a heart attack which are all long term effect of the accumulated stress gathered from constantly monitoring the market charts, sitting for long hours and increased palpitations and heightened blood flow, which are all situations that full time traders experience.
Always try to give yourself enough time to rest, exercise and maintain a healthy diet as well a social life. All this activities help reduce stress both mentally and physically.
Our Mind dictates everything towards our Whole body meaning the trading stress and trouble will keep on subsiding little by little and then eventually will cause our body badly.
some commit suicide and some even abused their Body just to sustain their addiction adn desperation in trading.
so basically this is not a Good sign if we don' treat this rightfully .
We must do everything with balance, do not be too obsessed with trading it is not good and will have a bad impact on our health. I also suggest
controlling our minds well, because if our minds are healthy, we can do everything right. Including doing trading activities with a fresh mind can
make us trade well. Indeed, the reality is that there are some people who have a weak mentality, so when they experience big losses when trading,
finally looking for a shortcut by choosing suicide. Such a person cannot keep his mind healthy, so he can't think rationally anymore. Indeed, trading
includes activities that tire the mind, so we should be able to maintain adequate rest and eat healthy foods. So that our minds can relax and not be
easily stressed when trading.