
Topic: You don't want Bitcoin, You don't want Future :-\ - page 4. (Read 1099 times)

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Financially, Bitcoin can make people meet their daily needs, I personally am still looking for Bitcoin bit by bit for my future savings. Those who believe that Bitcoin will control the world's finances must also collect Bitcoin from now. And those who don't know about the world of Bitcoin is our duty to teach them.
Indeed. It is one of the reason why i invest my money in bitcoin, so i could provide the things that i need and for my future savings, that is why i could really have a good future by holding bitcoin for a long term. I also think that if everyone could really used bitcoin, maybe it could really solved poverty and other economic problems in a country.
Bitcoin if known deeply, can give us good benefits in the future. But i don't believe those who don't own bitcoins right now do not want their own future. Of course we all want a good future so we should keep promote bitcoin so that it will be fully recognized by the people not just as a profitable investment but rather as a global currency. This may happen but it will take so much time.
hero member
Activity: 2030
Merit: 402
To be truthful, I can not think a future without digital currencies. There will be an economic crisis eventually and fiat currencies will weaken by that. That will be a turning point for digital currencies.
sr. member
Activity: 630
Merit: 265
Financially, Bitcoin can make people meet their daily needs, I personally am still looking for Bitcoin bit by bit for my future savings. Those who believe that Bitcoin will control the world's finances must also collect Bitcoin from now. And those who don't know about the world of Bitcoin is our duty to teach them.
Indeed. It is one of the reason why i invest my money in bitcoin, so i could provide the things that i need and for my future savings, that is why i could really have a good future by holding bitcoin for a long term. I also think that if everyone could really used bitcoin, maybe it could really solved poverty and other economic problems in a country.
sr. member
Activity: 882
Merit: 258
★★ Play Plinko or Invest!

And here's my own view on how bitcoin impacts on me:
1. My funds are much more secured and easily accessible
2. I can send money if I want it anonymous (Through mixers)
3. Multiple source of assets (Trading and freelance works)
4. Bitcoin is an eye opener on the world's future
5. Bitcoin is the future
If you have more experience where bitcoin impacts you positively, you are  free to share it on the comments below.
Actually my own experience in bitcoin and why I really wants bitcoin is because of its volatility in which your money can grow as much as you can due to the nature of bitcoin and cryptocurrency that it is fluctuating up and down. I am pro to bitcoin and to it's adaptation because in bitcoin we can assure that our money or our coins are well secured and we just only need to secured our private keys in order to have access in our mobile wallets. For those who are not yet trusting bitcoin and other cryptocurrency, you must just take a research first and have a knowledge on what bitcoin is all about because bitcoin will be the one we will use as our currency in the future, just like what the founder of tesla and paypal, the paper money will no longer be used and the digital money is the one will dominate in the future. So we must assume and be ready for this advancement in order for us to adapt more about bitcoin and the new currency. This are my experience and analysis on what would be the future for bitcoin and other cryptocurrency.
sr. member
Activity: 1246
Merit: 254
Financially, Bitcoin can make people meet their daily needs, I personally am still looking for Bitcoin bit by bit for my future savings. Those who believe that Bitcoin will control the world's finances must also collect Bitcoin from now. And those who don't know about the world of Bitcoin is our duty to teach them.
hero member
Activity: 1400
Merit: 571
I’m a huge bitcoin believer but I don’t exclusively believe that bitcoin alone would be the future of this world, though it may have sparked the change and the revolution already that’s for sure. Lots of potential game changers and important names in the industry have already been making moves, thanks to bitcoin inspiring them to do so. You pretty much outlined what bitcoin needs in order to survive but then again, bitcoin may only be the inspiration and not the way forward in the future but that doesn’t mean we don’t want a better future to come.

Same here, I am a Bitcoin Enthusiast but we have to respect what others people want. Indeed it is more secure and profits are big with cryptocurrency, especially with bitcoin, but we can't force them to like cryptocurrency in our phase, you're killing their passion instead of slowly introducing bitcoin in their system. Concluding such statements on your title is a little bit infuriating, it's like you want some fight to those who use fiat.

We don't need to badmouth each others side to win an argument that could be nicely get done and clarify things without hurting each others opinion.
sr. member
Activity: 2604
Merit: 338 - Crypto Casino
One major factor that will make bitcoin to stay with us is the blockchain. Bitcoin and blockchain are together so to speak. Some countries and big banks are looking and considering the adoption while some are already bringing blockchain into their organizations and agencies because it helps to secure data and information. So bitcoin is just as staying as blockchain.

The adoption is really ongoing to some countries as they are developing it and they are continuously marketing it to their cirizens. But for some it may take years before they will eventually adopt and to accept it.

Bitcoin is future and countries can check and will realize this once there is one country that will initiate to make it legal and to have laws regarding it.
Bitcoin is already in some other countries but some other countries don't like to make bitcoin as legal since they probably have heard some negative effect on their country.
Bitcoin may help the people in that certain country just like what happened to some people who knows what's the real effect of bitcoin adaptation.
hero member
Activity: 2268
Merit: 588
You own the pen
Bitcoin is not really the future rather its the only way to stop the world government from manipulating the world economy using their so-called national currencies. When using Bitcoins we can stop them from continuing threatening small nations with their sanctions. in this way, If most of the countries in the world are already using bitcoins, Big countries like America will lose its power to sanctions some 3rd World countries. The World will become free to this kind of discrimination, when you see what did American government did to Iran and now they are threatening Turkey too.
sr. member
Activity: 1022
Merit: 277
★★ Play Plinko or Invest!
Honestly, there are really people who don't believe in Bitcoin because of their wrong interpretation of it. They don't know its advantages as a currency and as a mode of payment. Yes, it also has its risks but it could honestly make things more convenient than banks. Bitcoin is more accessible and we could really have financial freedom through it in the future.

I agree with your statement ad financial freedom and transactions across the border and within the borders without involvement of any third party or government agencyt was the aim of bitcoin creation but here you could either find people only stressing on either the advantages or disadvantages of bitcoin rather than a neutral view as biased post sends out wrong interpretation of bitcoin. We need more neutral posts and analysis in order to help each other's and new folks.
My financial freedom is not tied to any third party unlike when I banked my funds and I am always called to come and summit all forms of identifications and subjected to all forms questions relating to some of my fiat transactions which is very annoying and embarrassing however with bitcoin I have the ability to access, hodl and transact my coins anonymously without any interference, I believed  bitcoin is the financial revolution that would sweep financial institutions in few years ahead.

Submitting required documents and all forms of identification is part of the regulation from the government. And yes, it is kinda annoying like why do you even have to give every detailed information in regards to your own money. I know it is required to know the source of it, but I actually not comfortable with it.
Bitcoin bypasses all those processes of required documents and gives us the freedom to keep our money and hold it without even submitting any legal documents.
sr. member
Activity: 812
Merit: 260
One major factor that will make bitcoin to stay with us is the blockchain. Bitcoin and blockchain are together so to speak. Some countries and big banks are looking and considering the adoption while some are already bringing blockchain into their organizations and agencies because it helps to secure data and information. So bitcoin is just as staying as blockchain.

The adoption is really ongoing to some countries as they are developing it and they are continuously marketing it to their cirizens. But for some it may take years before they will eventually adopt and to accept it.

Bitcoin is future and countries can check and will realize this once there is one country that will initiate to make it legal and to have laws regarding it.
Activity: 854
Merit: 12
people are still thinking about BTC as a scheme or something similar... they just didn't yet understood that there is no way to turn their backs to this new technology... it is here and it is developing in a way that it will take over the world very soon... It is not a matter of "if", it is a matter of "when"
So, anyone having doubts, can keep their pieces of paper and wait to see...
sr. member
Activity: 2842
Merit: 326 - Crypto Casino
Honestly, there are really people who don't believe in Bitcoin because of their wrong interpretation of it. They don't know its advantages as a currency and as a mode of payment. Yes, it also has its risks but it could honestly make things more convenient than banks. Bitcoin is more accessible and we could really have financial freedom through it in the future.

I agree with your statement ad financial freedom and transactions across the border and within the borders without involvement of any third party or government agencyt was the aim of bitcoin creation but here you could either find people only stressing on either the advantages or disadvantages of bitcoin rather than a neutral view as biased post sends out wrong interpretation of bitcoin. We need more neutral posts and analysis in order to help each other's and new folks.
My financial freedom is not tied to any third party unlike when I banked my funds and I am always called to come and summit all forms of identifications and subjected to all forms questions relating to some of my fiat transactions which is very annoying and embarrassing however with bitcoin I have the ability to access, hodl and transact my coins anonymously without any interference, I believed  bitcoin is the financial revolution that would sweep financial institutions in few years ahead.
sr. member
Activity: 1638
Merit: 261
Honestly, there are really people who don't believe in Bitcoin because of their wrong interpretation of it. They don't know its advantages as a currency and as a mode of payment. Yes, it also has its risks but it could honestly make things more convenient than banks. Bitcoin is more accessible and we could really have financial freedom through it in the future.

I agree with your statement ad financial freedom and transactions across the border and within the borders without involvement of any third party or government agencyt was the aim of bitcoin creation but here you could either find people only stressing on either the advantages or disadvantages of bitcoin rather than a neutral view as biased post sends out wrong interpretation of bitcoin. We need more neutral posts and analysis in order to help each other's and new folks.
sr. member
Activity: 1344
Merit: 270
We are now bound with the unstoppable development of our financial system. We are then before bound to the banks that holds our funds and finances. The emerging technology of blockchain and the creation of bitcoin set us free from all the restrictions that we had from these third parties.

Here are some advantages of banks according to Difu Wu(2014):
1. good Liquidity
2. secure place to deposit money
3. gaining interest on deposits
4. allows us to gain loans and investments


From this, we can see that bitcoin smashed these advantages on how we benefit from its capabilities:
1. Irreversible Transactions
2. Paper no More
3. Volatility (Provides huge profit from investments)
4. Fast Transactions (Anytime and Anywhere)


And here's my own view on how bitcoin impacts on me:
1. My funds are much more secured and easily accessible
2. I can send money if I want it anonymous (Through mixers)
3. Multiple source of assets (Trading and freelance works)
4. Bitcoin is an eye opener on the world's future
5. Bitcoin is the future

There are some cases that most of the people don't see the goodness that bitcoin brings, and on our nature, we feel the urge to educate them and teach them about it. But most of the time, spoon feeding the information to those who's mind is close will not bring any good to bitcoin. There is one thing they need to understand even if we don't tell them to, if they don't like bitcoin, then don't like the future.

If you have more experience where bitcoin impacts you positively, you are  free to share it on the comments below.
Bitcoin best solution for future investment, if you don't have plan with your future saving money you not trusted with bitcoin and altcoin. For every one have ready for investing in the future will ready for saving bitcoin in their wallet, many investor trust with bitcoin become revolution how to increase their money and give saving money by make bitcoin become investment assets for the future.
sr. member
Activity: 798
Merit: 250
BabelFish - FISH Token Sale at Sovryn
yes I agree that bitcoin and blockchain have provided innovations and new breakthroughs in the financial system and technology. bitcoin has a bright future because now that we have lived in digital era most of the earth's population have left traditional financial transactions and started to use e-money and henceforth I am optimistic when bitcoin has been mass adoption. then bitcoin can be used as an alternative means of payment. bitcoin is our future.
sr. member
Activity: 854
Merit: 267
★★ Fun BTC Casino!
Honestly, there are really people who don't believe in Bitcoin because of their wrong interpretation of it. They don't know its advantages as a currency and as a mode of payment. Yes, it also has its risks but it could honestly make things more convenient than banks. Bitcoin is more accessible and we could really have financial freedom through it in the future.
Simply because we cannot our ideals and insist it to others. We all have different perception regards with Bitcoin, as for us the usage of Bitcoin is advantages in terms of profit and more while for others they saw it as a threat especially media and we can't blame them. The only thing would change this negative feedback is the procurement of government across the world.
hero member
Activity: 2086
Merit: 553
Leading Crypto Sports Betting & Casino Platform
Honestly, there are really people who don't believe in Bitcoin because of their wrong interpretation of it. They don't know its advantages as a currency and as a mode of payment. Yes, it also has its risks but it could honestly make things more convenient than banks. Bitcoin is more accessible and we could really have financial freedom through it in the future.
On average people who have negative views are people who are still unfamiliar with cryptocurrency and they read from a negative perspective about bitcoin. indeed several times the media provides negative information about cryptocurrency and in my opinion we cannot blame them. because what is clear now is we provide education from the positive side so that they also know that not everything is bad like what they already know
sr. member
Activity: 1596
Merit: 335
Honestly, there are really people who don't believe in Bitcoin because of their wrong interpretation of it. They don't know its advantages as a currency and as a mode of payment. Yes, it also has its risks but it could honestly make things more convenient than banks. Bitcoin is more accessible and we could really have financial freedom through it in the future.
sr. member
Activity: 994
Merit: 257
Best Bitcoin Casino
This are all of the positive things about Bitcoin but have you consider the negative things about crypto?
And the reason why other doesn't really support it ?
There are so many reason to like Bitcoin but there are also reason why people hate it and doesn't want it.
We should also consider what other thinks not just what we think about something because we all have our own opinion.
sr. member
Activity: 1274
Merit: 278
We know that the future of Bitcoin will be bright. In fact, the number of people who know about cryptocurrency is very small. I have often asked a few friends and people I have met about Bitcoin and cryptocurrency. And as a result, only 3 out of 10 people know about cryptocurrency. There are also people who only know Bitcoin and don't know other crypto currencies. therefore our job is to spread knowledge about cryptocurrency to more people.

Do we really think that bitcoin will be the future? Because based from its characteristics which I find somehow on the side of bitcoin only (probitcoin) in some sense, it will not be capable in inducing a stable market that will provide the necessary needs of the people. Especially in daily transactions. But if we make bitcoin as the main umbrella for the entire crypto space, then so be it. Bitcoin/Cryptocurrency will be the future as there are crypto that is mainly having advantages in different aspects that people should take advantage.
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