Bitcoin was designed to give mankind financial liberation. It failed miserably. What kind of currency has one-half of transactions (46%) associated with illegal activities?
You are wrong, life of full of good and evil, but we decided on which path to take, this is our own personal choice, you can find the same condition being applicable on every aspects of life, name it, is it in financial or economy situations with the people, the intention for creating bitcoin was to serve as an alternative being a decentralized digital currency, in fiat currency, we have been long time tired or the scam, theft, loots and hacks related offenses, not only these, but there is no financial privacy, trust in handling our monetary assets until [Suspicious link removed]ives.
Bitcoin is not forced on anyone, if you think its necessary then you can adopt it on your own, i hope it will not be too late for some people to make their decision in support for bitcoin.
No no no... evil preys upon the good, devouring their unsuspecting souls. Satoshi believes evil is hatred and all hatred is rooted in "evil money"- money based on self-destructive competition rather than cooperating with each other for the common good, the outcome being nobody truly cares about each other- to the point of abusing the weak and innocent. Evil money handicaps modernization, systemically reducing the economic prosperity to mere animal instinct, with “every man for themselves”.
Good money- what Bitcoin is all about- defeats evil money like a vaccine neutralizes a virus- introduces a new, fortified agent (financial salvation), stimulating the financial system to produce antibodies (goodwill), neutralizing and eradicating the pathogenic effects of evil money.
bitcoin21x is an amplified form of Good Money, like Bitcoin, but intended to entirely replace the traditional Monetary System of free-market competition and establish a new "Collectividual System" of free-market cooperation, sharing, and community well-being, prioritizing collective and individual goodwill over accumulation of wealth resources.
What does privacy do? Does it know how many fingers i'm holding up? Privacy isolates the helpless and empowers the corrupt. It is perhaps honorable to leave out the 3rd party but it's shameful to abandon uneducated users to their own whims, like they had make-believe toy monopoly money to throw away. Money should be an economic means to collective and individual improvement, not the economy's end purpose; not homogenizing cultural diversity around scarce resources becoming harder and harder to obtain; money should bring people together to solve the future's problems today and guarantee a global future of sustainability for the next generation of mankind, not enforce the systemic apathy to marginalized populations; money should comprehensively clean and upgrade cities and communities and propagate well-being, safety, loyalty, companionship, happiness and interaction, not just one-up a failing system of persistent global discord by routing people to hide behind closed doors from society's dangers and evils; money should give people the power to overcome the core problems we face, not just the ability for the lucky few to run away while problems fester and feed on our blind ignorance of other's plight.