Today's price ONLY (!!!!) ~
The all time high ~3300 pizza / Bitcoin (December 2017).
The all time low 1/25000 pizza / Bitcoin ( I don't know the Date - please post it, many thanks
My all time low was 0.4 pizza / Bitcoin in November 2011 (You can post YOUR all time high and low for a PIZZA agains Bitcoin
All time highest estimation for our 'No' Ticker for BITCOIN is ~166667 PIZZA / Bitcoin
Pizzerias (offering MARGARITA 30-35 cm pizza as STANDARD pizza / Bitcoin ticker pizzas):
Hungary (Dunakeszi):
Not a Pizza, but some goods, meal, what I like to eat - in Dunakeszi of course - and a ratio between Pizza and Element...
Hungary (Dunakeszi): The BEST Burger in the EU, maybe also the BEST in the whole World!!! ~ 1:1