The Battle system will be automatic. Ships will have weapons. Weapons have damage, accuracy and shooting speed.
The basic weapon will be a laser gun.
It will have 8-14 points of damage, 60% accuracy and 0.6 sec for shoot.
Firstly there will be 2 types of ships. 20 and 85 points of health. 85% and 50% of dodging.
The sample of the battles mechanic:
Ship 1 make a shot with laser gun 1 and damaged ship 2 for 8 points.
Ship 2 make a shot with laser gun 1 and missed.
Ship 2 make a shot with laser gun 2 and missed.
Ship 1 make a shot with laser gun 1 and missed.
Ship 2 make a shot with laser gun 1 and damaged ship 1 for 10 points.
Ship 2 make a shot with laser gun 2 and damaged ship 1 for 13 points.
Ship 1 destroyed.
Well, if it will be simple to draw, then battles will be shown in images, if not, in text mode.
How do you think is this battle system rather good? Maybe you have some suggestions?
Well, to start I need make a first simple game and after that I will develop it with more details.
After couple of weeks of my another job I will start code this.