"They probably have immutable access logs, so relax, and stop being such a paranoid Luddite."-Do you have evidence of this claim? The only evidence I will accept is cryptographic timestamps on blockchains. And yes, these timestamps need to be publicly available. Anything less than this is a lack of security.
"BTW, some technologies are dangerous, and usually, access to them is classified or severely limited to the public."-You clearly have no clue what I am talking about because you lack education. Please get an education.
"If you must know, I went to Waterloo. So, how does Waterloo promote violence against YOU?"-And why the f*** did you ever think I am more familiar with MIT than with Waterloo? I am familiar with mathematicians and computer scientists from the University of Waterloo who have done work in quantum information theory and universal algebra. A dips*** like you went to the University of Waterloo, and that should be taken as evidence that the University of Waterloo turns dips***s into f***ing dips***s, so the University of Waterloo probably also promotes violence against me too. And the University of Waterloo has not condemned the promotion of violence against me, so I must consider all graduates from that institution to be f***ing dips***s.
"Research and progress are good in the long term."-And if we replace universities with something better such as universities that did not f***ing promote violence, or if we simply let the corporations and government facilities do all the research and career training, we would have much better research and career training.
"If you are planning something violent, don't. Get help."-Shut the f*** up you bloody @$$ Nazi. I am the one here condemning violence. You cannot understand this because you are an exceptionally evil person who has absolutely no place in modern society.
Oh boy, you are obviously a very unstable person. Are you autistic?
Stop repeating "cryptographic timestamps->violence->me". Are you experiencing some sort of mental stupor?
I just hope the authorities are monitoring your movements before you hurt others and yourself.
Anyway, this conversation is over. I entertained this conversation for far too long.
PS. Sweety, you think you are explaining yourself, but you're really not.