Your country is in the worst situation that a country can be. The debt of Greece taken e create from dozens of non conscious politicians which had used it to have more personal power and not for the better of the simple Greeks is unsustainable and as such it is very hard to be repaid. The Greeks will suffer for to many other years and no one can know where the situation will be better.
I'm so sorry about that and I hope that this situation (which I see without hope) passe with less possible consequences. I have heard that "the state of Greece is poor but the people is rich". If this is true I hope that the people help the state because is its state and without it their life will be worst very soon.
Their must work hardly to repaid the debt and to return in their normal life. The results of referendum were a shame and the people must be responsable that the money of the others are the money of the others and must be returned back to the owners.