So much idiocy in this thread, so little time to debunk and myth-bust...
Accepting gay marriage is simply a way to make more money in taxes somehow.
Some people always did it already... lived together as though they were married even though they weren't. Others never would. It all has to do with making money somehow.
Whatever happened to "live and let live" that is one of the Libertarian mantras popular round here? Only applies to the Libertarian stereotype? (White, male, middle-America neck-beard?)
On one hand, I feel bad for the people of the United States. Their kids will be brainwashed with gay propaganda, and at least some of them will become homosexuals when they grow up and will ultimately die from HIV and syphilis. On the other hand, I feel happy. If the American society is weakened, then they will not be able to launch attacks on sovereign nations, such as Serbia and Iran. So a gayer US (Gaymerica) is good for the world peace.
Uh-oh! The deranged RuSSian troll is back!
You have obviously been exposed to a lot of gay propaganda yourself, so here are few hints to assist you in your recovery:
-People don't "become" homosexual, unless you're talking about things like prenatal hormones or early brain development.
-HIV or Syphilis can get anyone, even in Russia, and even YOU
Language that implies violence should not be used when no violence is present. For example, it would be fair to say that medieval Christians were attacking atheists when they burned them alive at the stake.
My language is perfectly appropriate, you are just looking for any excuse not to address my point. Furthermore I can choose my words without you imposing your dictates upon my language thank you.
verb at·tack \ə-ˈtak\
: to act violently against (someone or something) : to try to hurt, injure, or destroy (something or someone)
: to criticize (someone or something) in a very harsh and severe way
: to begin to work on or deal with (something, such as a problem) in a determined and eager way"I concede this point, you are correct about the word attack. Still wrong about your lack of faith in Jibbers Crabst though, dirty heathen.
Followers of our Lord and Savior Crabst have never burned anyone alive, sadly we cannot say the same for Christians.
Actually, I'd call it crying wolf, or hysteria. If you don't want to emphasise the violent style or nature of the criticism, then don't use the word attack, because it's
exaggeration and
paranoia. So you were right to call him out on it.
When US America is being a gay country, which you said it is good for peace, then how about the other countries? They can attack US, and will never miss the chance to do that.
How many countries have
tried to invade the United States, during the last 70 years? I can't remember anyone doing that. On the other hand, the Americans have invaded at least five dozen countries during the same time. So the real problem is the United States invading other sovereign nations without any provocation, and not the other way around.
How about Russia? The most famous example that I can think of was the Cuban missile crisis. The various outbreaks of Communism in South America can certainly also be traced back to USSR=Russian attempts to either set up military bases, or for USSR=Russia to foist their failed Communist ideology on innocent civilians.
Many other examples also clearly show that the US was reacting to Russian aggression.
Communist North Korea.
Parts of north Japan annexed by Russia.
Just stop being paranoid. No one is going to invade a country, which possess close to 10,000 nuclear weapons. Russia is definitely not interested in invading the United States,...
Tell that to yourself, you idiot, the next time you wet your pants because you think NATO wants to invade Russia.